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IW talks Coronavirus

Alex Jones discusses Coronavirus and the pandemic, for better or worse

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Created December 02, 2022

Updated December 02, 2022



  1. 2020

  2. Today, Dan and Jordan check in to see how Alex Jones is doing with the beginning of Trump's impeachment trial. In this installment, Alex gives up on covering the impeachment, attempts to launch a bird-brained conspiracy about the Coronavirus, a
  3. Today, Dan and Jordan check in to track Alex Jones' ongoing coverage of the news of the day. In this installment, The Health Ranger declares that humanity as a whole is finished, and Alex gets some therapy from an old friend who likes to hide i
  4. Today, Dan and Jordan continue their coverage of Alex Jones' horribly irresponsible coverage of the news. In this installment, Alex tries to turn a quarantined city into a sales pitch for his food buckets, and Steve Pieczenik stops by to make a
  5. Today, Dan and Jordan keep their eyes on the present day of the Alex Jones Show. In this installment, Alex gets too angry to start his show because he saw a picture of a guy he doesn't like, lies about a past career, and takes his Coronavirus c
  6. Today, Dan and Jordan check in on Alex Jones' return to the studio to see how he's doing with the big news of the day. In this installment, Alex becomes fixated on outlawing the Democratic party, goes buckwild on selling his products, and expla
  7. Today, Dan and Jordan witness Alex Jones' theories about the coronavirus mutate into suspicions of race-specific bioweapons and false flags. Also, Alex remains very fixated with Trump's use of swearing in a speech.
  8. Today, Dan and Jordan discuss some recent affairs on The Alex Jones Show. In this installment, Alex calls for a whole ton of murders, passive-aggressively abuses his own lawyer, and is just generally wrong about things.
  9. Today, Dan and Jordan take a look at the episode of The Alex Jones Show where Alex covers the sentencing of his buddy Roger Stone. In this installment, Alex tries to yell at reporters through an intermediary, becomes overwhelmed with his own na
  10. Today, Dan and Jordan discuss the last episode of The Alex Jones Show before Alex takes off for a week out of town trying to get attention by bullhorning people around CPAC. In this installment, Alex talks to three jerks and spends most of his
  11. Today, Dan and Jordan take a look at the beginning of last week on the Alex Jones Show. In this installment, Alex's coronavirus narrative shifts considerably, Alex desperately tries to start a fight with Sebastian Gorka, and a disproportionate
  12. Today, Dan and Jordan set out to cover the period of the Alex Jones Show in the immediate aftermath of him shaving his head to see if it changed his vibe. In this installment, Alex's convoluted coronavirus narratives continue, Alex tells a tale
  13. Today, Dan and Jordan discuss the very tumultuous days at the end of last week on The Alex Jones Show. In this installment, Alex gets very defensive about news articles about how he has been selling his silver, comes out as a Tom Hanks truther,
  14. Today, Dan and Jordan discuss the stretch of time when Alex Jones should have just gone on vacation. In this installment, Alex claims that at least six sci-fi movies are real and interviews Ted Nugent's wife as an expert about coronavirus.
  15. Today, Dan and Jordan check in to see what Alex Jones is up to in the middle of this chaotic week. In this installment, the gents find Alex following in lockstep with the mainstream right-wing media, arguing that the coronavirus is no big deal,
  16. Today, Dan and Jordan dig into the day when Alex Jones learned that his app was kicked off the Android store and he lost his appeal about being a dick about Sandy Hook.  In this installment, things go about as you expect.
  17. Today, Dan and Jordan check in on Alex Jones' April Fool's Day show on Infowars. In this installment, Alex's friend the Health Ranger comes out as a Polio Denier and Alex declares a really hilarious war against QAnon.
  18. Today, Dan and Jordan take a look at the Alex Jones Show from April 2, 2020 (baby!) In this installment, Alex fails miserably at proving some of his theories about Globalist plans, and has a profound on-air meltdown after one of his earbuds fal
  19. Today, Dan and Jordan discuss Sunday's episode of Alex Jones' show because he couldn't make it in to work on Monday.  In this installment, Dan finds a new rival based on vocal patterns and Mike Adams finds a new fake miracle drug.
  20. Today, Dan and Jordan discuss Alex Jones' episode where he promised to reveal the identity of Q, of Q-Anon fame.  What an amazing tease.
  21. Today, Dan and Jordan deplatform Alex Jones from their podcast as punishment for him being a huge disappointment. Instead of talking about him, they check in on what Sweary Kerry at Project Camelot has been saying about how things are going wit
  22. Today, Dan and Jordan replatform Alex Jones and take a look at his triumphant (?) return to his own show. In this installment, Alex threatens to overthrow the government of China, discusses his plan to flee Austin, and loses his cool so badly h
  23. Today, Dan and Jordan check in to see how things are on the Alex Jones Show the day after a couple of his employees were suspended from Twitter for trying to promote a rally in the middle of a pandemic. In this installment, Alex spends most of
  24. Today, Dan and Jordan discuss Alex Jones' very not-chill 420 show. In this installment, Alex essentially declares that his enemies are unbeatable and that the end of his show may be near. Also, Alex tells a story of yelling at people at the gro
  25. Today, Dan and Jordan take a look at a couple of wildly different days on the Alex Jones Show. In this installment, Alex finally admits that he hates his own show, and pushes a weird conspiracy about doctors having secret orgies. Also, a long-l
  26. Today, Dan and Jordan discuss the end of the past week on the Alex Jones Show. In this installment, Alex discusses his plan to record the final episode of his show, which is to be released after he's taken off air. That ends up being just as du
  27. Today, Dan and Jordan keep an eye on the increasingly bizarre present day of the Alex Jones Show. In this installment, Alex speculates that Trump is the smartest person on Earth, and discusses his evolving position on cannibalism.
  28. Today, Dan and Jordan find out what happens in the days after Alex Jones threatened to eat his neighbors.  In this installment, Dan gets very bored with Alex's nonsense and Alex exposes how exclusionary his concept of "humanity" exactly is.
  29. Today, Dan and Jordan check in to see how Alex Jones decided to celebrate May Day. As it turns out, he was trying pretty hard to cheer on a literal war with China, desperately asking people to be his successor, and pretending that his outburst
  30. Today, Dan and Jordan discuss the last few days of The Alex Jones Show. In this installment, Alex forces Dan to critically engage with the idea that his cannibalism rant was satire, and decides that a dumb op-ed is a revelation of the Globalist
  31. Today, Dan and Jordan discuss a couple episodes from this week on The Alex Jones Show. In this installment, Alex continues his coronavirus games, decides that maybe the world doesn't deserve to know who Q is, and dips his toe into a hot new vir
  32. Today, Dan and Jordan discuss how the week began on The Alex Jones Show. In this installment, Alex gets freaked out by bill numbers he thinks are satanic, falls for an internet hoax about New Guinea, and gets intensely hung up on the idea of me
  33. Today, Dan and Jordan discuss a couple days of this week on The Alex Jones Show. In this installment, Alex fails in a valiant attempt to make a point, possibly warns the world of a fake alien invasion, and gets a little too specific about what
  34. Today, Dan and Jordan regroup and discuss the bizarre week that was on the Alex Jones Show.  In this installment, Alex discusses being too drunk to meet with the Secret Service at the RNC, tries to make Joe Rogan's Spotify contract about himsel
  35. Today, Dan and Jordan explore some issues related to the end of last week on The Alex Jones Show. In this installment, Joe Rogan says that Alex is lying about his move to Spotify, Alex indicates a lack of awareness about the country's founding
  36. Today, Dan and Jordan discuss the week that was on the Alex Jones Show. In this installment, Alex attempts to take credit for Trump's executive order about social media, accuses Democrats of killing people in nursing homes, and the gents discus
  37. Today, Dan and Jordan discuss Alex Jones' coverage of the ongoing situation with nation-wide protests that have broken out. In this installment, Alex brings back his fake Soros/Antifa contracts in order to reintroduce Soros as his primary villa
  38. Today, Dan and Jordan continue to track the abhorrent behavior of Alex Jones in the present day. In this installment, Alex is accused of burning a mattress, Alex and his staff make peace with military arresting citizens for breaking curfew, and
  39. Today, Dan and Jordan keep up with the current goings-on in the world of Alex Jones. In this installment, Alex interviews a couple doomed Congressional candidates, decides that Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump are Democrats and villains, and trea
  40. Today, Dan and Jordan discuss Friday's episode of the Alex Jones Show and encounter some real stupidity. In this installment, Alex misrepresents some news about a retracted study and fails to explain a skull on his desk adequately. Also, Dan ta
  41. Today, Dan and Jordan discuss Alex Jones' half-day shift on his show from Tuesday. In this installment, Alex floats a weird Kennedy assassination theory and attempts to find some reformed leftists in his audience to call in to the show.
  42. Today, Dan and Jordan discuss a troubling day on The Alex Jones Show. In this installment, Alex becomes obsessed with a new video a nurse put out pushing Covid-19 conspiracies, declares that a "warlord" has taken over most of a US city, and Dan
  43. Today, Dan and Jordan discuss how last week ended on the Alex Jones Show. In this installment, Alex is convinced that a coup was announced on The Daily Show, reveals that he doesn't know anything about the Lincoln assassination, and Dan imagine
  44. Today, Dan and Jordan discuss Alex Jones' triumphant (horrible) return to studio after his vacation. In this installment, Alex insists that Trump's Tulsa rally was actually a big success, gets really sloppy about making up details about stories
  45. Today, Dan and Jordan check in on a very exhausting couple days on The Alex Jones Show. In this installment, Alex tries to launch a distasteful and racist national movement destined for failure, decides he now hates Gov. Abbott, and consoles tw
  46. Today, Dan and Jordan check in on how last week ended on The Alex Jones Show. In this installment, Alex desperately tries to attack the idea of wearing masks, promotes his anti-mask rally, and gets humiliated by one of his anti-communist heroes
  47. Today, Dan and Jordan discuss the beginning of the week on The Alex Jones Show. Weirdly, Alex doesn't brag much about his failure of an anti-mask rally, instead spending his time complaining about Sacha Baron Cohen, trying to prod his audience
  48. Today, Dan and Jordan take an exhaustive look at two shows Alex Jones recorded on July 2nd. In his morning show, Alex rambles about cyborgs and puts off covering big news about the arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell. To make up for not getting to it o
  49. Today, Dan and Jordan check back on what's been going on in the present day of The Alex Jones Show. In this installment, Alex reveals that he's been an enemy of antifa for 20 years and discusses having his mind blown out on a boat on July 4th,
  50. Today, Dan and Jordan discuss the end of the last week on The Alex Jones Show. In this installment, Alex wrestles with the "Wayfair Conspiracy" and celebrates Roger Stone's clemency by interviewing Mancow.
  51. Today, Dan and Jordan keep track of two ongoing storylines on The Alex Jones Show that probably shouldn't be ongoing storylines. The first is the conspicuous absence of Roger Stone on Alex's show since he got saved from prison. The second is Al
  52. Today, Dan and Jordan end the week-long "Will They/Won't They" about when Roger Stone would finally show up on Infowars after being saved from prison last Friday. Also, Alex does ads for a product he can't sell yet, lies about Covid news, and a
  53. Today, Dan and Jordan discuss how Alex Jones ended the past week on his show. In this installment, Alex discusses his support for the federal government's actions in Portland, introduces a confusing new supplement line, and closes the show a bi
  54. Today, Dan and Jordan discuss Alex Jones' "emergency" Saturday broadcast that he recorded after returning from being out of studio for a week. In this installment, Alex impotently rambles about whether Trump is a friend or foe, and announces th
  55. Today, Dan and Jordan give Alex Jones a mulligan and pretend that this is his first show back from vacation since his Saturday "emergency report" was such a dud. In this installment, Alex's commitment to the second amendment wavers and Ted Nuge
  56. Today, Dan and Jordan check in on how Alex Jones has handled the release of Frontline's episode about his conspiracy theories and their relation with Trump. In this installment, Alex announces the Mark of the Beast, warns of teams of Antifa hit
  57. Today, Dan and Jordan discuss the end of the past week on The Alex Jones Show. In this installment, Alex warns of imminent "antifa terrorist attacks" that never ended up happening, and signs off on Steve Pieczenik saying that America is a busin
  58. Today, Dan and Jordan try to work through the beginning of the week on The Alex Jones Show. In this installment, Alex misrepresents some graphs about Covid-19, encourages his audience to "civil disobedience," and suffers an impressively bad tec
  59. Today, Dan and Jordan wrestle with a couple of strange days on the Alex Jones Show. In this installment, Alex continues his trajectory toward becoming a more violent version of Jim Bakker, seems jealous of the NRA getting sued, and lands a top
  60. Today, Dan and Jordan check in on what went down over the weekend on the Alex Jones Show. In this installment, Alex embarks on a disgusting quest against Oprah, decides that maybe he's actually into QAnon now, and tries to make a big scene at a
  61. Today, Dan and Jordan discuss Alex Jones's show from Tuesday. In this installment, Alex overtly lies about at least two stories about Covid-19, pushes an embarrassing Laura Loomer censorship narrative, and continues his path toward accusing Cov
  62. Today, Dan and Jordan check in on the end of the last week on the Alex Jones Show. In this installment, the gents get a showcase of dumb callers, and Alex suggesting that his audience could be "pawn sacrifices" in the battle against his enemies
  63. Today, Dan and Jordan trace the beginning of the week on The Alex Jones Show. In this installment, Alex deals with the fallout of the release of Millie Weaver's "documentary" ShadowGate, pretends that it's totally cool that Roger Stone dropped
  64. Today, Dan and Jordan experience how the past week ended on The Alex Jones Show. In this installment, Dan needed closure on the "ShadowGate/Millie Weaver gets fired" situation, which Alex sort of provides. Also, a couple of Alex's friends gloat
  65. Today, Dan and Jordan try to wrestle with Alex Jones' behavior in the stretch of time between the police shooting of Jacob Blake and the shooting of protesters in Kenosha last week.
  66. Today, Dan and Jordan snap to the present to see how things are going on the Alex Jones Show. They find a man desperately trying to raise money and rambling about a meme featuring Hoover Dam.
  67. Today, Dan and Jordan check in on what Alex Jones is up to in the present day. In this installment, the gents see what Alex thinks about the Bob Woodward news, football video game stats, and whether or not Joe Rogan is censoring him.
  68. Today, Dan and Jordan poke their noses around the Alex Jones Show to see what's going on. In this installment, Alex takes calls from his listeners on what they should think about Trump supporting a vaccine, and Roger Stone seems to have grown o
  69. Today, Dan and Jordan check in on how Alex Jones has been handling the news of the week. As it turns out, he deals with stressful times by being really racist and expounding on nonsensical plans he thinks the devil has.
  70. Today, Dan and Jordan check in to see how Alex covered the New York Times story about Trump's taxes. In this installment, Alex allows David Icke to say profoundly dumb things on air, Alex reveals that he knows nothing about history or the const
  71. Today, Dan and Jordan check in to see how Alex Jones is handling the news that Donald Trump has tested positive for Covid-19. It was a strange weekend for everyone, but few as strange as Alex, starting in denial on Friday and ending up crying o
  72. Today, Dan and Jordan discuss Monday's episode of The Alex Jones Show. In this installment, Alex donates to a hopelessly doomed Congressional candidate on air, gives Johnny Rotten an honorary doctorate, and gets really bored with the Supreme Co
  73. Today, Dan and Jordan learn what happens when Paul Joseph Watson calls in sick to work.  Alex does not handle it well.
  74. Today, Dan and Jordan check in on how the week began on the Alex Jones Show. In this installment, Alex totally doesn't get mad at a caller, Jordan demands specifics about the Devil's powers, and Steve Pieczenik puts forth a confusing and upsett
  75. Today, Dan and Jordan check in on the modern day of The Alex Jones Show to see how things are going. In this installment, Alex admits to punching a dog, plans to sneak into an assisted living center, and complains about Borat.
  76. Today, Dan and Jordan trace the first couple days of Infowars' absurd idea to run a convoy from Austin to DC. In this installment, Owen launches from Austin and makes his way to Tallahassee, spreading lies along the way. Meanwhile, Alex stays b
  77. Today, Dan and Jordan explore the possibly thrilling conclusion to the InfoWars Caravan. In this installment, the convoy comes under repeated attack, Alex shows up in DC, and the radio show seems to completely fall apart at the seams. 
  78. Today, Dan and Jordan discuss the intermediate period after Alex Jones returned from DC, and before he left for Georgia. In this installment, Alex talks to some violent weirdos, warns of gun-wielding robots, and sits through a caller relaying a
  79. Today, Dan and Jordan set out to see how things are going during Alex Jones's "#79DaysOfHell." In this installment, the Rockefellers reveal their evil plans through a cartoon, medical robots get disarmed, and Alex records his Fake Last Episode
  80. Today, Dan and Jordan check back in on the #79DaysOfHell on The Alex Jones Show. In this installment, Steve Pieczenik and Roger Stone try to out-bullshit each other, and Alex does such a sad, disappointing job with a scoop that Dan considers be
  81. Today, Dan and Jordan check in on the end of last week on The Alex Jones Show. In this installment, Alex reveals that Joe Rogan is a hero, William Barr is a double agent (at least), and Scotch Eggs are whiskey-flavored.
  82. Today, Dan and Jordan look back at last Friday to examine the aftermath of the Firing Heard Around The World. Having given David Knight the axe, Alex has to fill in to host the Infowars morning show, which is more about Knight not being there t
  83. Today, Dan and Jordan prepare to dismount from Alex Jones's 2020 content. In this installment, Alex lies about Covid-19 a bunch, discusses his feelings about Wonder Woman 1984, and is visited by a pair of Journalist Babies.
  84. 2021

  85. Today, Dan and Jordan ring in the new year with Alex Jones. In this installment, Alex strengthens the case that he fell for the Nigerian Prince email scam, a "constitutional lawyer" supports having a second pretend president, and an old friend
  86. Today, Dan and Jordan take a look at how things went down on Infowars on the day when right-wing dingdongs stormed Washington DC.
  87. Today, Dan and Jordan check in to see how Alex Jones's vacation in Utah is going. In this installment, Alex attempts to pull off a gotcha interview with a Boogaloo proponent, hoping to make him the patsy for the Jan. 6 storming of the Capitol.

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