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    If you have not studied for a long time, doing an OU course can seem a daunting prospect. Find out what’s really involved by listening to these students talking about how they found time for the work; some of the sacrifices involved; whether it had all been worthwhile; and the kind of help they got from their OU tutors. Despite the very real challenges of studying whilst coping with kids, jobs and real life, these people from many different walks of life testify to the great sense of achievement, satisfaction, even excitement involved in tackling a new subject and succeeding.

    EducationHigher Education
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    The Journal of Southern Religion Podcast brings you interviews and discussion about new books, notable authors, and recent trends in the study of religion in the southern United States.

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    The Institute on Disability and Public Policy podcast series provides an open exchange for experts and advocates in the disability and public policy fields to discuss today's most pressing issues. Topics include: diversity in disability; accessibility and inclusive information and communications technologies (ICTs); history and implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD); human rights; and access to employment opportunities, education, justice, and political participation.

    EducationEducational TechnologyHigher Education
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    The Insomnia Film Festival is an annual challenge for students from around the U.S. to write, shoot, edit and score an original 3 minute film in just 24 hours. Entries will be voted for online by the public to decide the top 25 films and a grand prize Viewer's Choice winner. A panel of celebrity judges then choose an additional grand prize winner as the Judge's Selection and an honorable mention Creative Award from the top 25 finalists.

    EducationHigher EducationArts
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    Welcome to Little Talks Podcast! The podcast where we talk a little. . . about a lot. This podcast is recorded every two weeks by and for high school students attempting to navigate the difficult and intimidating world we call secondary education. But this isn't your normal high school podcast. We stay away from clichés and stick to being real, 100% of every episode. If you're looking for a clean way to spend an afternoon chilling with your teachers - look elsewhere. This podcast is real, rough, and we hope, a ton of fun for our target audience: high schoolers!(oh, and if you're an adult, that's okay too. all that's required to be a listener to little talks is a desire to be young at heart!)

    EducationHigher EducationSociety
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    I delmoment 1 beskrivs historik och utveckling från 1960-talets enkla filsystem till objektorienterade relationsdatabaser, samt hur databaser har kommit att bli en central del idagens IT-samhälle med växande behov av e-tjänster. Sedan behandlas SQL-DDL (Data Definition Language), Data Dictionary, tabeller, användare och sekvenser samt intern arkitektur, fysisk ochlogisk lagringsstruktur i Oracle. I detta delmoment framställs även SQL-DML (Data Manipulation Language) samt hur man kan upprätthålla integritetsregler med hjälp av database constraints:primary key, foreign key, unique, check och not null. Den sista delen i detta delmoment handlar om databastransaktioner, SQL-TCL (Transaction Control Language) och transaktionskontroll med lås.Under delmoment 2 hanteras konceptuella modeller som baseras på verksamhetsbeskrivningar, samt normalisering av datamodeller. Den andra delen i detta delmoment är SQL-select (Data Retrivial Language)med nästlade sökningar, hantering av NULL-värden, inbyggda funktioner, aggregatfunktioner och sorteringsfunktioner mot enstaka tabeller.I delmoment 3 diskuteras SQL-select (Data Retrivial Language) mot nästlade sökningar, joinsatser, hantering av NULL-värden, inbyggda funktioner, aggregatfunktioner och sorteringsfunktioner mot flersammanlänkade tabeller.I delmoment 4 beskrivs variabler, styrstrukturer, loopar, cursorhantering och felhantering i det procedurella databasspråket Oracle PL/SQL.Det sista delmomentet (delmoment 5) handlar det om lagrade procedurer, funktioner och databastriggrar.

    EducationHigher Education
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    Il Laboratorio di Progettazione Architettonica 2F del Corso di Laurea in Scienze dell’Architettura si pone l’obiettivo di far acquisire alcuni strumenti della progettazione e di farli sperimentare in un esercizio progettuale, centrato sul rapporto tra progetto del nuovo e identità del luogo: la ricostruzione di un palazzo, situato nel centro storico di Napoli, all’incrocio tra via Foria e via Rossaroll, danneggiato durante la seconda guerra mondiale e demolito dopo il sisma del 1980.Il percorso didattico è accompagnato da esercizi di lettura delle regole costitutive degli spazi e della figura di opere di architettura.Due esercitazioni - l’ipotesi di ricostruzione dell’edificio “com’era, dov’era” e la lettura morfologica finalizzata alla comprensione dell’architettura dello spazio urbano, in cui si colloca il progetto, - precedono l’esercizio progettuale, che si articola in:- ideazione dell’edificio - forma volumetrica, allineamenti, costruzione della figura, linee guida della costruzione geometrica – in relazione alla localizzazione;- svolgimento dei temi di progetto: volume, facciata, impianto, sistema degli accessi e dei collegamenti, spazio degli alloggi.

    EducationHigher Education
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    Videos "Physikshow" in 1. und 2. Stunde

    EducationHigher Education
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    Cette série d'enregistrements audio a été réalisée dans le cadre du cours magistral "Sciences connexes : Histoire des techniques" du professeur Anne-Françoise Garçon (3ème année de licence). Recommandé à : tous publics - Catégorie : cours magistral - Année de réalisation : 2007-2008 - Semestre 2

    EducationHigher Education
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    Ce podcast est destiné à présenter les activités de l'Atelier de Radio du lycée Georges Desclaude et de R2S, la radio de l'association des lycéens et étudiants du lycée.

    EducationEducation TechnologyHigher Education
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    Three middleaged nerds talking about movies. In German.

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    What If... is a deep dive into timely topics of public policy. In this series, no stone is left unturned as controversial issues are examined through interviews, debates, surveys, and think pieces. What If... is an original student-made production of the University of Chicago Public Policy Podcasts.

    0 Ratings

    Do we use our buildings to declare who we are? How far does our heritage influence our collective identity? This insightful album reveals Ireland's shifting attitudes towards its cultural heritage. In 1922 when it broke free of British rule to become an independent nation state, the Irish nationalists abandoned high-profile buildings like Dublin Castle as it was symbolic of their British oppressors, and it fell into ruin. Yet they proudly restored older sites like Cashel and New Grange, which is even older than the pyramids, to emphasise an earlier romantic Irish past. In doing so they literally reconstructed their new identity through obliterating the memories they didn't want to keep and reinforcing those they did. Today, with the passing of time and after joining the EU, the neglected buildings no longer provoke associations with a painful colonial history. St Mary's Church is now appreciated as a bar as well as a work of art. Ireland has moved on, and now embraces all of its heritage. In the audio track, Anne Laurence, a History Professor at The Open University, elaborates on the issues addressed in the album. This material is drawn from The Open University course AA100 The arts past and present.

    EducationHigher Education
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    Aalto University course T-76.3601 Introduction to Software Engineering

    EducationHigher Education
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    How does the law stand in relation to web privacy? Do we have the same rights online as we do in life? The online revolution has moved rapidly but has the law managed to keep up with it and what has been the impact on our legal rights? These two films touch upon issues that have emerged as a result of a growing online community like the complications that arise when attempting to reconcile how various countries use different laws to police an individual’s omnipresent profile on the net. It also explores who owns the information we publish when we create an online account.This material forms part of the Open University course TU100 My digital life.

    EducationHigher Education
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    The nature of royal weddings as very public declarations of love can cause us to reflect on love and partnership – and on 29th April 2011 when Prince William and Kate Middleton tied the knot, the royal couple took a vow that declared a commitment to love and cherish ‘til death do us part’. But what is ‘love’? What is it that makes us fall in love with someone and can we put a meaning on it? We’ve all experienced love, whether it is a friend, partner, family member, or a pet – but these are all very different kinds of love. So how do we define love when it encompasses such a variety of emotions? Carolyn Price, senior lecturer in Philosophy, and Timothy Chappell, director of the Ethics Centre, at The Open University, discuss the nature of love, from love as a function, to ‘the Doppelganger problem’ – should we also love another person with the same traits and qualities as the person we already love? Finally, the notion of love as a duty within marriage is explored.

    EducationHigher Education
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    En podcast från Karlstads universitet. Den här säsongen följer vi civilekonomstudenterna Jackie och Lisa.

    EducationHigher Education
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    Microsoft Excel Reference

    EducationHigher Education
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    Real Estate While You Drive is a weekly quick tip podcast (typically less than 30 minutes) that focuses on simple to implement strategies that you can apply to your real estate business. From Getting Started in Real Estate for Less Than $100 to Owner Financing Your Way to Wealth, this podcast focuses on “All Things Real Estate” and delivers in consumable 30 minute sessions. Whether you are looking to raise private money, 5 ways to structure a deal, how to grow your current real estate business or simply getting started, you will learn proven strategies, heard through real life case studies, backed with simple action steps and supported by our ongoing direct involvement with your growth.

    0 Ratings

    A podcast where you can keep up to date with everything going on at Aston students union. Hear from Sabbs, Staff and students tackle your questions.

    EducationHigher EducationGovernment
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    The First Lady of Wayne State University, Jacqueline Wilson, is a former energy consultant for Schneider Electric, a global leader in energy management. She also spent more than two decades in corporate sales for AT&T and WorldCom. Today she manages Wayne State's HIGH program to combat homelessness, owns her own clothing line, and still has time to be an outstanding mom to her pampered pooch, Quincey. Listen in on her thoughts on a number of topics as she imparts her own wisdom, to empower others as they navigate their own journeys as budding professionals.

    HealthSelf HelpBusiness
    0 Ratings

    Engineering is about extending the horizons of society by solving technical problems, ranging from the meeting of basic human needs for food and shelter to the generation of wealth by trade. This unit looks at the impact of changes in temperature on a variety of objects and looks at the problem of boiling water. This study unit is just one of many that can be found on LearningSpace, part of OpenLearn, a collection of open educational resources from The Open University. Published in ePub 2.0.1 format, some feature such as audio, video and linked PDF are not supported by all ePub readers.

    EducationHigher Education
    0 Ratings

    Normally, this is the first course students will take to help them prepare for further studies in real estate. This is a fundamental real estate course covering the basic laws and principles of California real estate, and provides an understanding, background, and the terminology necessary for advanced study in specialized real estate courses.

    EducationTrainingHigher Education
    0 Ratings

    Die Republik blickt in diesem Jahr auf sechs bewegte Jahrzehnte zurück. In einer Vortragsreihe des Ethik Forums der LMU stehen ab dem 30. April Politik, Recht und Ethik der jüngsten Vergangenheit im Mittelpunkt: Immer donnerstags sprechen Experten aus Hochschulen und Politik über Themen vom Grundgesetz über die kirchliche Sozialkultur bis zur globalen Sicherheitspolitik. Darüber hinaus kommen Fragen wie: Ist die Gleichberechtigung ein überholtes Postulat? Ist soziale Marktwirtschaft zukunftsfähig? zur Diskussion.

    EducationHigher EducationSociety
    0 Ratings

    Join us for a series of lectures to celebrate the legacy of David Hume. 2011 marks the tercentenary of the birth of philosopher David Hume, one of our most distinguished alumni.Throughout the year, distinguished speakers will explore the impact of Hume across a wide range of disciplines.David Hume was born in Edinburgh in 1711, attended the University of Edinburgh from 1723, and died in Edinburgh in 1776, having meanwhile achieved worldwide fame as an historian and philosopher.Hume and his associates were at the heart of the intellectual, literary and cultural events that are now known as the Scottish Enlightenment and he is generally recognised as the greatest philosopher ever to write in English.Today his work is studied by scholars from all over the world. Although Hume wrote in the 18th century, his works continue to be influential across a wide range of scholarship and remain uncommonly relevant to the philosophical disputes of the 21st century and a wide range of current public concerns.It is fitti

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