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All These Lies | Episode 2

All These Lies | Episode 2

Released Wednesday, 22nd December 2021
 2 people rated this episode
All These Lies | Episode 2

All These Lies | Episode 2

All These Lies | Episode 2

All These Lies | Episode 2

Wednesday, 22nd December 2021
 2 people rated this episode
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Episode Transcript

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CASCADIA Season: 1 Episode: 102 Episode Title: “All These Lies” Document Type: TranscriptANNOUNCER: Please be advised: This show may contain coarse language and mature themes. Listener discretion is advised. SCENE 1 Picking up from the end of episode 1, our crew is still under water and ventures into the cave. DECLAN: Guys…look up.IRIS: Wow.ALIA: I’ve never seen anything like it. HOLDEN: Shut off your headlightsThe crew turns off their headlights and gasps. The glowing from the cave is even brighter.ALIA: This is why we do what we do.DECLAN: Yeah. It’s so beautiful…what is it?ALIA: It’s like…a bioluminescent kaleidoscope…possibly an allergie of some kind.IRIS: Let me just get a scan of it…IRIS uses her ID scanner to see what this strange light source is. The ID scanner declines.IRIS: ID scanner doesn’t recognize it…ALIA: Weird. It’s clearly some kind of living organism.HOLDEN: Declan how much further can you see into the cave?Declan walks to the cave wall.DECLAN: Um…not much. Maybe 50 feet more…it’s a dead end you guys.SCENE 2 Continuous. Suddenly the ID scanner starts to vibrate.IRIS: Whoa, whoa, whoa! The ID scanner is going crazy all of a sudden! We suddenly hear slimy tentacles grow from the ground. ALIA: What the fuck is that?DECLAN: What?!ALIA: Look down!IRIS: Looks like some sort of sea-weed…HOLDEN: No…No, NO! I THINK THOSE ARE FUCKING TENTICLES! DECLAN: Tentacles!? ALIA: Whatever it is…THEY’RE FUCKING GROWING! HOLDEN: GUYS! EVACUATE THE CAVE NOW!IRIS: Just getting a quick scan! So many of them are popping up…DECLAN: Iris quick! Get the scan, get the scan! HOLDEN: THERE’S NO TIME FOR THE FUCKING SCAN, DECLAN! GET OUT NOW! DON’T LET IT TOUCH YOU! IRIS: SCAN FAILED AGAIN! Why won’t it read the life form!?DECLAN: Fuck!Suddenly we hear a WHIP! A tentacle grabs Alia’s leg and begins to pull her down.ALIA: AHH!! HOLDEN: ALIA!ALIA: IT HAS MY LEG! IT HAS MY FUCKING LEG! IT’S PULLING ME DOWN!DECLAN: ALIA! GRAB MY HAND! HOLDEN: DROP THE BELT! ALIA: I CAN’T! I FUCKING CAN’T! I CAN’T MOVE AT ALL! IT’S NOT LETTING ME MOVE! PLEASE, PLEASE, I DON’T WANT TO DIE! IRIS (Stern but Calm): You’re NOT going to die, everybody calm down! (Then - she remembers the Canadian flag they just planted outside the cave at the end of episode 1) The flag! Uh - Holden, go outside and get the flag! HOLDEN: What!?IRIS: THE FLAG JUST GET ME THE DAMN FLAG! HOLDEN: Uh, copy! He swims out. ALIA: IRIS!DECLAN: Alia! You’re going to be okay. Alright? Just breathe! Okay!? Look at me…HEY! LOOK AT ME! We’re not going to leave without you, I promise you, okay? Just keep breathing. Keep breathing! Alia is sobbing. Then, Holden swims back with the flag.HOLDEN: I GOT IT! HERE TAKE IT! IRIS: Declan.DECLAN: Yeah.IRIS: Here. Take the flag and stab this thing as hard as you can.DECLAN: Copy.IRIS: Holden. You pull her from the tether. (To Alia) Alia, sweetheart, listen. The minute you feel it getting weak or loosening up on your leg, you let us know and we’ll pull you right out of here, copy!? ALIA: HURRY! IT’S SQUEEZING SO TIGHT I CAN’T FEEL MY LEG!Suddenly Declan begins stabbing the tentacle with the end of the flag. We hear him grunt.IRIS: Okay, anything!?ALIA: It’s not budging! Declan keeps stabbing. Then - ALIA: OKAY! NOW! PULL ME NOW! We hear the crew grunt as they pull Alia out of the cave. They’re out of breath.IRIS: You’re safe. You’re good. We got you. We got you.SCENE 3 Few hours later. The crew is in the submarine eating dinner. Declan is late to join. It's an awkward tension. DECLAN: Sorry I’m late to dinner…had to talk to surface about the disconnection. He serves himself some food and joins the crew at the dinner table. DECLAN: Where’s Alia?HOLDEN: In her pod.Beat.DECLAN: She okay?HOLDEN: Well…She just experienced something traumatic on your account so…no, I don’t think she’s “okay”. Awkward silence. IRIS: How’d it go with Badger, Declan? Tell him what happened?Beat.DECLAN: No. (Beat) No, no, no. I don’t want anyone knowing what happened to Alia today, okay? If it got out that we went deeper than we’re supposed too, nevermind one of us almost fucking dying…Long beat. He takes a deep breath and continues to eat.DECLAN (Continue): Badger gave me an earful…but, I just told him that the trackers and coms got dislodged from the landing. Took us a bit of troubleshooting but we were able to fix it and get back online. He believed me so…I-I think we’re in the clear! HOLDEN: No. YOU’RE in the clear. We want no part of it. You’re being reckless! DECLAN: Holden I -Holden cuts him off.HOLDEN: Purposely shut down tracks and coms - DECLAN: Right but - HOLDEN: Lied to surface, wasted resources, endangered the dive and the crew for what?! WAS IT WORTH IT? NO!DECLAN: Yes it was! You saw what was inside that cave! There was something nesting in there, something we’ve never seen before…and I think we should go back tomorrow and get a proper sample of it. IRIS: We’re already on route to the second check-point! Turning the sub around would throw the entire dive off track, adding more days to the trip! HOLDEN: You’re gambling with our lives here, Declan. This is a research vehicle, alright? Not some warship in the gulf! DECLAN: It was a calculated risk.HOLDEN: It was a roulette! THAT ALMOST KILLED ALIA!DECLAN: ENOUGH! Declan bangs his hands on the table. Everything goes silent. Delcan catches his breath. DECLAN (Continued): Look. I know you all underestimate me. I get it. You all have more dives under your belt than I do…but we are all here for the same reason. And ever since I took over as captain, I’ve spent every waking hour studying every aspect of this dive…this…this sub! I know the Alexandria like the back of my hand, not to mention my PhD in Marine Biology and 4 tours at the FUCKING NAVY! I HAVE WORKED MY ASS OFF TO BE HERE AND I’M DEDICATED TO THE SUCCESS OF THIS DIVE! (Beat) And despite what you think…everything I do is to benefit us as a team. Declan gets up and begins to walk out. Then he stops and turns around for one last word.DECLAN: We’ll continue on route to the second check-point. We have 12 days remaining. The world thinks we get along down here. Let’s at least try.He leaves. Iris sighs.HOLDEN (Under his breath): Fucking asshole. SCENE 4 Delcan is in his pod talking to his wife, Maria. MARIA: What happened today?DECLAN: Well! Dive one complete…MARIA: No! I mean, what happened to the tracker?! It was offline. Surface couldn’t monitor you guys, they-they-they thought something happened.Declan sits up in his bed. DECLAN: How did you know about that?MARIA: It’s been all over the news. For 2 hours I was on edge.Beat.DECLAN: Yeah…Um…It-it was just a technical issue. We’re all good now.MARIA: This kinda shit scares me, Declan. DECLAN: I know it does, babe. But…you have nothing to worry about. I’m good, really. MARIA: Well…did you find anything interesting at least? DECLAN: No. No. No life yet. Just some good old sand samples. (He chuckles). But we’re on route to location #2, so hopefully we’ll have better luck there - hey! Um…is Lila there? I miss her. MARIA: I’ll get her. (She calls out to their daughter) LILA! YOUR DAD'S ON THE PHONE! LILA(In the Distance): Coming Mommy! We hear Lila run to the phone. LILA: Hi, Dad!DECLAN: Hey, Kiddo! Whatcha’ doin?! LILA: Playin’! Are you comin’ to my birthday party tomorrow?Beat. This hits home for Declan. DECLAN: I can’t, my love. Daddy’s still at work.LILA: You’re always working, Daddy.DECLAN: I know. I know! B-but Nana and Papa and all your friends are going to be there! Are you excited to turn 5 in a couple of days?LILA: Yeah! I guess! Where you workin’ Daddy?DECLAN (Playful): I’m…in the ocean! LILA: Why?DECLAN: We talked about this Lila, remember? Some parents are teachers, some are lawyers, doctors…but your dad…your dad dives deep under the ocean looking for cool fishys and plants. LILA: That’s cool! I miss you Daddy.DECLAN: I miss you too, my love. LILA: Mommy! I’m hungry! Declan laughs. MARIA: Okay. Go sit down, dinner’s almost ready. DECLAN: She’s over it. MARIA: I gotta go. I’ll talk to you tomorrow night after your dive. Did you hash things out with the crew?Beat.DECLAN: Meh. We’re workin’ on it. Maria chuckles. MARIA: Copy that.An antsy Lila groans in the background. MARIA(To Lila): It’s coming Lila! (To Declan): Okay. Be Safe. No more disconnections. Giving me a friggin’ heart attack. (Beat) I love you. DECLAN: I love you too, Maria. Declan hangs up the phone. SCENE 5 Next day - Underwater. The crew is talking through their suits as they’re on their second dive.DECLAN (Sighs): An hour and a half of searching and location number two is turning out to be pretty uneventful. I-I fuckin’ knew it, we should’ve gone back to the cave.IRIS: Patients.Declan sighs.IRIS (Continues): Scanner is actually picking up lots of microorganisms. HOLDEN: Guys, we should just head back to The Alex. I’m getting hungry. ALIA: I agree. I think we’ve collected enough data for today. Hopefully we’ll have better luck tomorrow. IRIS: You too Alia? Damn. I’m swimming with a bunch of wimps here.The crew laughs.HOLDEN (Jokingly): Shut Up, Iris. Alright. Ascending back to the sub. We hear the rigs begins to pull up when suddenly - DECLAN: Oh my god. We hear the rigs come back down.HOLDEN: What?DECLAN: Follow my light. Just below us. Beside the rock…do you see it? (Beat) Right there! It just moved! ALIA: No, no, no! Guys! It looks like that thing that grabbed me in the cave. DECLAN: Yeah.HOLDEN: T-that doesn’t make any sense. We’re miles from there, now. ALIA: No! I know what I saw! IRIS: Alright, let me get up close to get a scan…Iris begins to move closer to it. She begins to scan. Suddenly Declan interrupts her by trying to capture it. IRIS: D-Declan! What are you doing!? Move out of the…Move out of the way! I’m trying to get a clean scan of it. You’re going to scare it away!DECLAN: I’m going to capture it. You’ll get your scan inside the sub. IRIS: WHAT! HOLDEN: YOU’RE NOT BRINGING THAT SHIT IN THE SUB! ALIA: ARE YOU CRAZY?! WE CAN’T TAKE IT FROM ITS NATURAL HABITAT! IRIS: STOP! JUST LEAVE IT BE! DECLAN! DECLAN! Boom. Declan captures it. DECLAN (To himself): Got it. SCENE 6 Later inside the sub. The crew gather around the small aquarium to examine this foreign, squirming, creature. Iris gets a scan of it. The scan comes up negative. IRIS: Ugh. Undetected. The ID scanner has no clue what this thing is.HOLDEN(Grossed Out): Oh my god. Look at it’s fucking baby eyeballs just buldging in and out, it’s fucking slimy it’s got -IRIS: It’s kinda cute! HOLDEN: I don’t think it’s fucking cute - it’s tenticles look like weird-ass, mutan baby fingers - DECLAN: Okay, well I count roughly 16 tentacles on it and I think these two right here are injured. It’s hard to say though, forsure. I wonder what it’s doing so far away from the cave all alone.ALIA: Maybe there's another cave nearby. IRIS: Regardless, I think we have a whole new species on our hands guys. Know what that means? DECLAN: What?IRIS (Sings): Naming rights! The crew chuckles. IRIS (Continues): What should we name it? HOLDEN: My vote’s Declan because how fucking disgusting it is.The crew laughs. DECLAN: Okay, fuck you. ALIA: Okay - be nice, be nice. DECLAN: Yeah! Beat. Declan kneels down so that he is face to face with the creature in the aquarium.DECLAN: I wonder how big it could get. Or if this is it’s final form…Delcan taps on the glass.DECLAN (Continues): Hi little guy. What…are…you? Suddenly the creature squirms and lets out a loud scream. It squirts black ink all over the tank. The crew freak out! ALIA: EW! WHAT THE FUCK! HOLDEN: DID IT JUST PUKE!? OR DID IT JUST EJACULATE?! DECLAN: - My god… Suddenly the subs power dies down. It’s pitch dark. Blackout. The crew freak out again. DECLAN: The power! What the fuck did it just do to our power?!HOLDEN: Um…Suddenly the power reboots. Everything is okay.ALIA: Are the generators okay? HOLDEN: Yeah, should be alright.IRIS: Thank god for the surge protector. HOLDEN: This creature clearly has some kind of impact on the electrical power grid. DECLAN: I think it’s sick…or-or maybe dying?ALIA: Declan. I want it out of the sub…NOW! DECLAN: We will. Eventually. I-I promise but we need a sample of its (Beat) “Ejaculation” first. Holden, get a swab. HOLDEN: What?! WHY ME? I’m not touching it’s ejaculation! DECLAN (Teasing): What’s wrong with a little squid ejaculation, hm? IRIS: Can we stop saying Ejaculation! Delcan laughs at him freaking out. HOLDEN: Alia should do it! She’s the Bio-tech! ALIA: Wow. Thanks asshole. After everything I went through, you’re going to make ME do it? DELCAN: Holden, just do it. Okay? The creature is clearly subdued right now, we don’t know how long it’s going to be weakened for. HOLDEN: I’m not putting my hand in there.DECLAN (Mocking): Aw. You’re scared!?HOLDEN: Yes! Very! Did you not see the mini blackout it just caused?! Or-or what it did to Alia!? What if electrocutes me?! What if it’s poisonous?! What if it grips my arm so tight it rips it off the second I reach in there, there’s SO MANY THINGS THAT COULD HAPPEN RIGHT NOW! Dead silent. Then the crew breaks into laughter at Holden. Holden, embarrassed, clears his throat and gets all macho-manly again. HOLDEN: Bottom line is…We need to put it back in the ocean, immediately - that's the right thing to do. Beat.DECLAN: No. We’ll set up surveillance and we’re going to monitor it for a few days.ALIA: A few DAYS?! We went against protocol by taking it out of its natural habitat to begin with, and you want to keep it for a few days!? It could STARVE! It could DIE! It could -Delcan cuts her off. DECLAN: Guys! We have an unknown lifeform IN our possession. We owe it to Badger and the entire scientific community to study it by any means possible. IRIS: We don’t know what else it’s capable of and - Declan cuts her off. DECLAN: My decision is final. The rest of the crew sighs in frustration. Declan begins to walk out and stops for one last word. DECLAN: I’ll be in my pod for the rest of the night. I want the swab in my hands by tomorrow morning. IRIS: The best way to study it is in its natural habitat! DECLAN: IN MY HANDS BY TOMORROW MORNING! He leaves.HOLDEN: Yeah, still not putting my hand in there, sorry.ALIA: Yeah! No, me neither. Long beat. Alia and Holden stare at Iris.IRIS: Uhh…Why y’all lookin’ at me?SCENE 7 Declan talks to Maria on the telephone in his pod.DECLAN: Okay…What’s up?MARIA: I…really didn’t want to tell you until you got back -DECLAN: What is it?Long Beat.MARIA: Declan…I’m pregnant. Declan takes a deep breath in and exhales. Joy overcomes him.DECLAN: Maria. Maria! Oh my god. That’s that’s fucking amazing. We’re expanding! We’re-we’re…Our family is expanding! Holy shit. Thank you, thank you God! Thank you! Maria chuckles. DECLAN (Continues): H-How far along are you?MARIA: Well, the doctors say I’m 8 weeks…DECLAN: Oh that is fucking fantastic! UGH! 10 more days I will be home, and-and-and the rest of this dive will be behind us and the moment I get home we’re going to celebrate this and - MARIA: That’s…what I really wanted to talk to you about. Beat.DECLAN: What?Beat. Maria sighs.MARIA: Now that you’ve captained one of the biggest dives in history. I’m sure they’re going to want you for many more in the future. Probably riskier ones too.DECLAN: Yeah? And…?MARIA: I-I know how hard you’ve worked for this, and that this is your dream. But Declan, they said today on the news that the tracker was offline again. Once again, I was terrified the entire day.Maria begins to cry.MARIA (Continues): Now that we’re going onto baby number 2…I don’t know if I can take the pressure of a risky dive anymore. I-I can’t be up all night constantly worrying about you - if you’re okay - or, if you’d ever come home…Why does this tracker keep turning off?!DECLAN: It happens! Today we went a little too deep again, and-and we lost connection. But - you don’t need to worry about me, I’m going to be fine! MARIA: But I do! I can’t live life on the edge of my seat raising two kids! It’s just - (She inhales and exhales) It’s something we need to reconsider when you get back home. That’s all. Your kids need you. I need you. DECLAN: I know. I know. You’re right. You’re absolutely right. MARIA: There are other positions that you can take on that are just as lucrative! Suddenly the submarine begins to shake. Then, we hear: Drip…drip...drip...There’s a leak on the sub!DECLAN (Slowly realizing): What…The…Fuck?Maria thinks he’s responding to her when in actuality it’s to the leak.MARIA: Ah I mean that in the best way. I know this is your dream, but - DECLAN: No, no. Not-not that, babe. Um. MARIA: What? What’s going on? Declan?DECLAN: I-I don’t know right now, but can I call you back? Please? MARIA (Concerned): What? Why? Is everything okay?!DECLAN: Yes. Yes. Everything is fine, please don’t worry. I…um…Look, babe, I’m happy for us - really, I-I, I will consider another position if that makes you happy I promise you okay? I-I love you but I just- I gotta go now, alright? MARIA: Declan? DECLAN: I love you!MARIA: Declan!? What is going on!? DECLAN! Delcan hangs up. DECLAN: Fuck! He jumps out of bed. DECLAN: Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Delcan runs to the door of his podDECLAN: This better just be a pipe issue.Delcan slides the door open.DECLAN: HOLDEN! ALIA! IRIS! (Beat) To my pod…NOW! SCENE 8 Moments later the crew stand looking up at the leak. HOLDEN: Well…the good news is, the double liner is working as expected.ALIA: Really? Because I don’t think it should be leaking then. That looks like a serious crack, Holden.HOLDEN (Scoffs): Okay, the fact that we’re all still standing here talking about it, means we have time to fix the leak, sweetheart.ALIA: O-Oh Okay, DON’T call me sweetheart! IRIS: Okay, can we fix it or not?HOLDEN: It depends how advanced the crack is on the outside haul. The sub was built to withstand 40,000 feet of pressure for double the duration of the mission. That is unless we’ve been under excessive pressure for too long…Declan? Beat.DECLAN: Okay, um…on the route to the second check-point…I-I might have descended the sub bit deeper…The crew is in shock.HOLDEN: AGAIN!?ALIA: What?! IRIS: HOW MUCH THIS TIME! DECLAN: Maybe 500 feet more? But - ALIA: MAYBE!?IRIS: The fuck?ALIA: You don’t even know a specific number!?DECLAN: I was looking for caves! HOLDEN: Declan! The Alexandria was carefully crafted by extremely talented engineers and scientists. DECLAN (Under His Breath): Oh, god. HOLDEN (Continuing): And for some fucked up reason, you think you’re above that! Now because of your ego, we have a fucking leak on board! DECLAN: I-I don’t think I’m above anyone but - IRIS: YOU DESCENDED DEEPER! AGAIN! Suddenly the sub shakes again. This time more intensely. We hear a crack. The leak gets bigger. The crew freaks out.IRIS: Shit! / DECLAN: Oh my God.DECLAN: I’ll fix this.HOLDEN (Clapping/Sarcastic): Atta boy! Captain Declan Walters saving the day, again! Declan walks towards the entrance of the sub. We hear as he gets suited up.ALIA: Declan! Wait! Let me come with you. The sub’s in-motion. It’s way too dangerous to go alone.HOLDEN: No. Let him go. He got us into this mess, he can get us out. DECLAN: It’s okay, Alia. I can do this alone. Here take this. (We hear a walkie-talkie turn on) I’ll be on channel 5, okay?ALIA: Copy, captain. Declan walks into the dive hatch and leaves. IRIS: That man’s going to get us killed. HOLDEN: What happened to “Give him a chance”? IRIS: All these lies, descending deeper twice, the cave, then harboring an unknown creature, now a leak?! IT’S TOO MUCH! Beat.HOLDEN: Yeah. It is. I’m filling out a vote of no confidence. We need to abort and return to surface now. In the off-chance we survive this fucking train wreck he’s put us in? We’ll be on shore in 48 hours.ALIA: No. We can’t. We’ve come too far, this will be a huge embarrassment! IRIS: Alia. ALIA (Continues): Guys. I still believe he has good intentions.IRIS: He’s completely reckless. Bordering unstable. Anyone could see that. HOLDEN: Thank you! ALIA: Let’s wait and see how bad it’s damaged. Guys. Please. (Beat) Iris. HOLDEN: Iris! Long Beat.IRIS: Fine. One more strike. HOLDEN: WHAT?! IRIS: ONE MORE STRIKE and we’re dropping the weights. HOLDEN: UNBELIEVABLE! ALIA: Thank you. Suddenly the walkie goes off.DECLAN (RADIO): Alia? Do you copy?Alia answers on the walkie. ALIA: Louder and clear. Let us know if you need back up. SCENE 9 Continuous. But we switch our POV to inside Declan’s suit as he’s underwater, outside the sub, trying to fix the crack. ALIA (Continuous/Radio): Iris is getting suited and on standby incase you need her.DECLAN: Copy, thanks. Declan turns on his headlight.DECLAN (Sotto): Okay…headlamp on. Declan feels around for the leak.DECLAN (Sotto): Where are you leak?ALIA: (RADIO): See anything?DECLAN: Negative. I’m going to go check the starboard side, though. ALIA (RADIO): Copy.We hear Declan’s rigs pull as he swims over to the other side. DECLAN (Sotto): Ah. There it is. His rigs run out. He doesn’t have enough slack to get to where the leak is.DECLAN: Fuck. Alia? I-I found the leak, but my tether isn’t long enough to get me there.ALIA (RADIO): Iris is on her way to bring you more slack. Hang tight. DECLAN: It’s okay. I-I think I could get a good foothold if I’m untethered. I just need you to slow down the sub, so I can patch up the crack,and make it back to the tether. Copy? ALIA (RADIO): Are you sure? We never dive untethered…DECLAN: Yes. Yes. It’s fine. I just…need you to slow it down. The faster I can do this, the faster I can get back inside.Beat.ALIA (RADIO): Alright, copy.DECLAN: Thanks.Long Beat. We hear the engine slow down.ALIA (RADIO): Engine has been slowed down. Make it quick.DECLAN: Copy. Untethering myself, now. We hear Declan untether himself and swim over to the starboard side of the submarine. He begins to patch up the crack. DECLAN (Sotto): Okay. Easy fix. There we go… Beat.DECLAN: Alia? The leak has been officially sealed. Going back to retether myself now, over.Suddenly we hear a shaking underwater. A tremor. ALIA (RADIO): What is that!?DECLAN: I-I don’t know. Feels like a tremor of some sort.ALIA (RADIO): Declan. Get back to your tether!DECLAN: I-I can’t move.ALIA (RADIO): Are you hanging onto anything!?DECLAN(Struggling): A handle but I’m slipping.ALIA (RADIO): I’m stopping the sub. Just hang-on. Declan struggles to hold on. Then the submarine stops and so does the tremor. DECLAN: W-w-what was that?ALIA (RADIO): I don’t know. Just get back to your tether. Immediately! DECLAN: Copy. Copy. Declan begins to swim.ALIA (RADIO): What’s your E.T.A to the tether, Declan?DECLAN: Almost there, just swimming back to portside.ALIA (RADIO): Copy.Then Declan stops in his tracks. He has come face to face with something terrifying…We can hear the horror in his voice and breath.DECLAN: Oh…My…God…ALIA (RADIO): What now!? (Beat) Declan? What’s going on out there.DECLAN: You’re not going to believe this.ALIA (RADIO): What.DECLAN: The creature that we have inside the sub…ALIA (RADIO): W-What about it?!DECLAN: I’m looking at another one. Except…it’s like a 100 times bigger than the one we have inside! ALIA (RADIO): W-what do you mean!?DECLAN: Portside cameras. Go look. NOW! Then IRIS gets onto the walkieIRIS(RADIO/Calm): Declan, it’s Iris. Are you tethered?DECLAN: Not yet. I’m slowly reaching for it.IRIS(RADIO/Calm): Just…breath. You’re going to be okay. It’s probably just…curious. Declan tethers himself back to the sub. DECLAN: Okay. Okay I’m tethered, but...I don’t want to make any big movements. It’s just staring at me. With all it’s big fucking eyes. IRIS (RADIO/Stern): Okay. You need to get back in here…now.DECLAN: I think it detects one of its babies inside the sub.HOLDEN (RADIO): Declan. Listen to me buddy. Inch your way slowly to the starboard side. We’ll get you from there. (Beat) Copy?Declan breaks down; he's having a panic attack. DECLAN: Copy. Moving…slowly.We hear squirms from all around. Then things begin to shake.DECLAN: No…No…Guys! GUYS!?IRIS (RADIO): Declan? DECLAN! DECLAN: PLEASE! STOP! STOP! NO! HELP! HELP! AHHH!! The creature attacks. Declan screams and struggles. Static.ALIA (RADIO): Declan come in! Declan! DECLAN! Static cuts out. The creature swims away.END OF EPISODE 02

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