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The Papers of Thomas Jefferson and the Record of Past Climate Change

The Papers of Thomas Jefferson and the Record of Past Climate Change

Released Sunday, 16th May 2021
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The Papers of Thomas Jefferson and the Record of Past Climate Change

The Papers of Thomas Jefferson and the Record of Past Climate Change

The Papers of Thomas Jefferson and the Record of Past Climate Change

The Papers of Thomas Jefferson and the Record of Past Climate Change

Sunday, 16th May 2021
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In the 20th episode of Climate History, co-hosts Dagomar Degroot and Emma Moesswilde interview Jim McClure, General Editor of the Papers of Thomas Jefferson at Princeton University. Recently, Director McClure spearheaded the creation of a unique digital resource: a repository of Jefferson’s abundant observations of the weather and climate of his time.

McClure discusses the creation of the Jefferson Weather and Climate Records; explains what visitors can find using this resource; describes how Jefferson wrote about the weather of his time; and details why scholars and students interested in climate change should put "Jefferson to use without accepting all that he was or did."

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