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04 "Stirring Lament"

04 "Stirring Lament"

Released Monday, 6th May 2019
 1 person rated this episode
04 "Stirring Lament"

04 "Stirring Lament"

04 "Stirring Lament"

04 "Stirring Lament"

Monday, 6th May 2019
 1 person rated this episode
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Episode 04 "Stirring Lament" script.


Memories...what are memories, but a perceived glimpse at a precise moment by the mind of the beholder? Yet a memory can be skewed [Pause] based upon the experiences of the conscience, so that said past memories are changed by the current state of the person's mind. This is where we begin our story...with memories...the memories of Saris...our beloved Enforcer.



(Recite the dialogue that is current tense slower, as if pondering the thought, Memory dialogue Italicized)

It was…a Tuesday...I think. The day we all got appointed. I had been...shadowing Nievus for 5 years. James and Tharin were being groomed to take over for Deko and Saft as the two commissioners. I received a call from councilman Grady….(phone sound)






Ah, Saris.



(Hesitant, almost like “what is this all about?”)




I'd like you to stop by when you get a chance.



Of course...I can be there in a few minutes.


---(Back to monologue, explaining the memory)

I made my way to the council building, and took the elevator up (Ding), Aleen was new at the time, but...like everyone else in the city...she new exactly who I was….

(Scene begins to fade into memory)

Anyway, I walked up to her desk and asked her if the councilman was in.


(Memory begins)


Hello...you’re new.



(Nervous, she is new)

Hi! -I...I mean welcome...to councilman... (Breath) of course you know where you are. I'm sorry, let me start over...yes I'm new...I'm Aleen.



Nice to meet you...Aleen.

(A bit of an awkward pause)

Is the councilman in?



Yes, I'm sorry...he's...in his office. You can go on back.



Ok thank you…

(trying to remember her name) uuhmmm...Aleen?



Yes, Aleen



Thank you, and in the future, it's not necessary to apologize so much. I get it, your new, your nervous,

(Starts to walk away)

but confidence is a prized virtue in a city of fools.



(Saying as Saris walks away)

I’m…….You’re welcome?

(Under her breath)

Great way to start a new job Aleen.

(breath, mocking herself)

Hi..I..I mean welcome.



(Saris opened the door to a very large office. The west wall was filled with windows, from which one could contemplate the enormous size of this grand city. The northern and opposite walls were filled with book cases. These housed thick books filled with every law ever written by the council. In the middle of the northern wall was a bar. This is where councilman Grady stood as Saris entered, pouring himself and Tharin a drink. Tharin sat in a chair, patiently waiting for his for his father to finish.)



Saris, my brother in force, how are you?



Tharin, what are you doing here?



It's the reason I asked you to come by. We're celebrating Tharins new position as the commissioner of the northern policing force.



I heard you'd beat out James...congratulations.



Thank you, I'm extremely excited. It’s quite a prestigious position really. Fame will proceed me, and one day...maybe...as much as it proceeds you.



(Retorting sarcastically)

Okay, Tharin. Prestige should never be the main motive however. Duty should never be a means for fame.



(Slowly, Tharin becomes more intense as the sentence continues. Almost jovially accusatory)


Yes but fame is a perk that draws quite a bit of welcomed attention. It places you in a light that is extremely favourable to this fine people. I would also argue, that fame is not the thing to be reproached. Rather, it's the figures that hide in the shadows that can be dangerous to our brilliant city.



There'd be no shadows to lurk in, if the light hadn't created them.  



I suppose your right, but it's not really my job to worry about who created the shadows Saris. My job is to make myself noticeable to the people.



Well, I suppose. But-



(Cutting off Saris, stating this as if he is giving him a friendly pat on the shoulder)

Nor is it your job to worry about who created them. It is now however, your job to watch them...my friend.



Hmmm, to be needed...as a means to control shadows that didn't exist til the light created them...how convenient.



(clearing his throat as a means to interrupt the awkward situation)

(Clear throat)

So...Saris, how's it feel to be the sworn protector of not only the council, but the people as well?



It feels like...this is what I was raised for. I feel complete, whole...fulfilled I guess.






(Intentionally ignoring/Ignoring Tharin)

Yes well...the city has gained a great champion for sure.



You wouldn't have been champion, nor I...a commissioner had it not been for the council. They are after all, the ones who gave us this opportunity. If they're laws didn't exist we'd still be with our birth parents, probably working as scrappers or something worse (laughs lightly).



I suppose you think that would have been a terrible thing?



Well….yes. (Astonished) Don't you?





(Back to monologue)


That's always been Tharins problem, always so eager to be in the spotlight…so incredibly thankful for his opportunity at fame, as if it was his duty to be noticed. His birthright. I suppose we were all raised to think that way though.


(Phone beep, 2 people on the phone)





Ah, Mr Jones...yes sir I...I assume your calling for an update?



Indeed I am. What do you have for me?


(Back to monologue)

Far be it for me to think any other way. Afterall I was the adopted son of the house of Sorrel, and the next in line to assume the most prestigious….and feared position in the city. One, that at first, I wasn't sure I could handle. I was out with Nievus the first night I assumed the responsibilities of Enforcer. It was around midnight. We'd just cornered a man who'd been planning to assassinate councilman Graven.


(Fade into memory)


Nowhere to go now Cylus. Turn around and face your judgement.



By judgement, I take it you mean...execution. Tell me...why should I turn around?



Because you are a man... that has made a decision... that has sealed your fate. Now turn around a face that fate...like a man.


(Cylus turns around)



There, that's better.

(Talking to the young Saris)

This way, we get to watch as the lights go out behind the eyes. It's a strange thing death...one minute, there's someone upstairs trying to connect the pieces that keeps the body animated...and the next, boom...no one home. You'll see what I mean. Choose your weapon.



You...want me to do it? I don't think I have the authority yet…



I've just given you the authority. If your going to take my place...I need to know you have the countenance. Besides, Sorrel is always going on about the superior emotional stability of the soon great Saris...I'd like to see it for myself.



(Saris stands there for a moment, looking at the man who's about to die, both men, eyelocked and nervous. It doesn't take long for Nievus to lose his patience)



Are you going to use a weapon or just stare him to death?



(Deep breath)



(Saris takes a deep breath. A weapon forms from in his hand, a 9 millimeter. He raises it...a gunshot.)


(Back to monologue)


Nevius was right. It was very strange...the man's eyes I mean. You could see the life...just...slip away. (loud breath through nose, short clearing of throat)

We'd gone through all the training, all of us, but nothing could really prepare someone for that. Not even the sensory downloads, where they basically download your brain into a simulation. I'd done those multiple times. I passed with flying colors every time. Even though, those seemed real...this actually was…


(Back to Jones and Pike)


Well...sir...Mr Jones. It appears the gloves are a nano technology.



Something we already knew.



Yes of...of course but...this is a little different than we were...expecting.



How so?




2 years after I took over for Nievus, I began searching for my birth parents. I don't remember why I started searching, or what it was I expected to find really. I'd been searching for a while and every avenue turned up dry. Finally I decided to go talk to the one person in the city, who's job included knowing every secret possible.



Gypsy? What's that?



That? Oh that's nothing.



Well it looks like something to me. It looks like a dead body soaking the street with blood.



Oh that...sorry (laughing) I thought you talking about Bruce.

---(Whispers as to not hurt Bruce's feelings)

He is not a looker for sure. I love him to death, but his looks could frighten a person. I'm not really sure how he ended up so ugly. He makes for a great henchman though.



Ya...I wasn't talking about bruce.



Ok then you caught me, that is a “dead body.” He...is or was, the leader of the skeevers. Can you believe he was actually trying kill me? He wanted my position sooo bad. He was such a nice fella it's too bad really, I liked him. Anyways Saris, it's not your street it's mine…hello

(Puts her hands up gesturing to the area around them)

Graven Rogue district.



It may be true Gypsy, that the council has given you some liberties, but I never remember murder being on the list.



Murder?(sarcastic disbelief)...Saris, I wouldn't murder anyone. The truth is, he pulled a gun and gave Bruce no choice. He had to defend me it's his job. I was being serious when I said I liked the poor guy. Besides, someone has to handle things the council wants nothing to do with.



Interesting, so your saying the council would appreciate your vigilantly justice?



Saris, so naive. Look around you. There are things in this city the council would rather not deal with. These kinds of things. I'm merely doing my part to keep the city safe. Don't think of it as murder, think of it as a necessary execution. Much like, oh I don't know...something you would do.



Yes, but the difference being, I have the authority.



And who gives you that authority? The council? A bunch of crusty old men who have nothing better to do, but sit and worry about conspiracies of their own making? Come on.



Still, it's different.



Your right, I'm not a cantankerous old man.

---(Line said as if the character is sarcastically holding her hands clasped together just beneath her jaw a batting her eyes as she says the next line.)

I'm a sweet innocent young woman trying to find her way in the harsh reality she's been dealt.



---(basically ignoring Gypsy's last statement)

I suppose the next leader of the skeevers is a little more...sensitive to your mission?



Well I hope so. I mean, I'm the one who just gave him the job.



Of course you are.



While I'm thoroughly enjoying this exchange Saris, there must be some reason your here. Other than to see little ol’ me that is.



I'm looking for records.






Very specific ones. I'm not even sure they exist, but I figured if they did you'd be the one who could tell me where.



They aren't recorders on the council are they? Saris, are you going rogue?

(Imagine a her sarcastically fanning herself as she says the next line.)

And here I didn't think you had a fancy for me you old cuss you.



No, I don't and that's definitely not why I am here. I'm...looking for my...birth parents.






Just curious I guess.



Look Saris, I'm an orphan too, and as much as I'd love to know my parents, I don't think it'd make any difference knowing.



Yes, but aren't you curious?



There was a time I guess, but now I have all of this. There's no reason to look backwards. No reason to look at what ifs and what could have beens. Besides, your parents gave you up to the council willingly. They might be pretty terrible people. Do you really want to know that?



Willingly? Or did they give me up because of a law? Besides, I know nothing changes when I find them. I just want to know. You have to understand that.



Ok Saris, I'll have a few people...look into it.



Thank you.



Don't mention it. Maybe you can take me to dinner sometime...as a...thank you.



(Laughs in disbelief)

Ya right, the Enforcer and the leader of the Graven Rogues, what a couple.



Well, nobody'd mess with us, that's for sure.



That is for sure.



I guess it just never seemed fair to me, being ripped away from my parents like that, but that's the way it was, the way it is.



The nano tech in the gloves aren't the only nanobots.



How do mean?



Well sir...there are nanobots in a very specific place in Saris's body. It's from this place, that he controls the bots in the gloves and his jacket he uses to build armor.



You're starting to peak my interest Pike. Please continue.




This, coupled with the fact that Sorrel had began to place a greater value on Dayton...well let's just say it didn't help matters any. The first time I noticed Sorrel's disposition, I was in his office. I was there to get a report on my next job. He had just poured, or rather his service bot had just poured a drink.

---(Pause thinking about the laziness and pride of Sorrel)

He always felt it beneath him to have to serve himself, one of the many things that makes August Sorrel, August Sorrel.



Hows my champion today?



Can't complain I suppose, I'm just ready to take on the next assignment.



Yes, I hear you had quite a time with the last one.



He was a bit...larger than the report had stated. I have a feeling the final report will reveal he was on enhancements.



I hear he nearly had you.



He tried but...success is measured by the outcome...is it not?



Indeed it is. (Pause) Here is your next assignment. His name is Stot. He's a nasty character that needs dealing with. Everything you need is in the report. Are you up to...the job? Or do you need a break?



I was a bit sore when I woke up but I'm fine now.



Ah, good. I would like to start sending Dayton with you soon. He's progressing nicely and all indications point to him making a fine Enforcer.



Ya, I heard he was doing well.



That's grossly understated, he is turning out to be a champion like none before him. (Pause)

His…evaluations are beginning to show, that he may very well be the most ruthless and effective Enforcer to date.



---(Saris finds this funny. He knows Dayton and doesn't think he will ever become as good as him let alone the best ever.)

Ya right, that kid?...I can see him making Enforcer, but...to go as far as saying he'll be the most ruthless and effective?...I do not agree.



---(Not angry at the comment, but a bit perturbed, Sorrel answers in a calm collected way)

His tests are indicating he may show more promise than even you Saris...and here I thought you were the champion of champions.

Perhaps he at least, he won't be surprised by a big man and nearly defeated as you were yesterday.






Ok so...the others are tied to his neurons. While I still haven't figured out how to reverse engineer everything for our use...this fact presents us with a unique opportunity.



What opportunity is that?



Well, the neuron bots have been separated long enough that they've probably shut down. If this is the case, than Saris might be more susceptible to emotional manipulation...what I'm trying to say sir...is that now, might be the time to try and...get him on our side.




It was one of those situations where I just had to chomp the apex and keep my mouth shut...and it's not like it was the only time. He continually expresses his favour for Dayton over me. He does it over and over again, to the point that now...I just want to kill them both. (Long pause and deep breath through nose) Not sure why I'm telling you all this. I just had to get it off my chest I guess.



---(now speaking to Saris)

Hmmm, perhaps you told me...because your ready to act...because you're tired of this broken system. Perhaps you want it all to end and you want a sort of…revenge for the disregard and lack of respect from Sorrel. If this is the case, then I guess...there's only one question that remains…..are you...Saris...going to join us?



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