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How to Prepare for a Cleanse

How to Prepare for a Cleanse

Released Monday, 27th September 2021
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How to Prepare for a Cleanse

How to Prepare for a Cleanse

How to Prepare for a Cleanse

How to Prepare for a Cleanse

Monday, 27th September 2021
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We talk about the crucial SINGLE STEP you can take to help your body detox:

Do you ever wonder what is the point of all of this…. Why do we cleanse?

What not to eat when detoxing?

How to deal with a coffee addiction and detox from caffeine…?

Are you curious about how to eat healthy and real steps you can take to get started?

How to cleanse your home?

And once you’re ready to start, how do you know what type of cleanse you need?



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Episode Transcript:

Stirling 0:11

Welcome to witchy wellness weekly if you love learning and interweaving health, self growth and making magic, this is the show for you. And when we come together This is where we share how to breathe magic into your daily practice with creative self care inspiration to empower your unique journey to easeful health through witchy wellness, so that you can remember that your health choice is always your own. We are here to empower your freewill to decide for yourself. I'm Sterling, your magical methods mentor, nature based medicine maker farm life purveyor and nerd for all things esoteric, you can find my alchemical experiments at WWW dot wild folk which muse.com We are joined by our co host. Hilary is a certified clinical Ayurvedic Practitioner with the eye of a fine artist specializing in customizing herbs, nutrition and habits that support your body's unique cyclical rhythms at WWW dot Wilde veda.com. To support this show, and we the creators or for behind the scenes content, early access a member only experiences come join the tribe@www.patreon.com slash witchy wellness. Our private community is a safe place to explore your inner magic, where you are the hero of your own story on a planet that is thriving. It's Prime Time to climb out of the broom closet, my friends, because our Earth needs your wild magic right now.

Unknown Speaker 2:33

Hello, everybody. Welcome back. Hi, Hilary. It's so lovely to see you. Happy full moon.

Stirling 2:41

So today, we are so excited to be talking about cleansing in a general sense. And in a much more specific sense. We for those of you who've tuned in before, we've talked about how we've done it wrong, how we have both done it very wrong, and how detrimental that can be to your health. And so today, we are going to pull from our collective wisdom and trial and error and talk about ways that we can cleanse ourselves all the different levels of ourselves that can also be very nourishing and regenerative and not totally crash and burn your own cycles. Yep. So on that note, why why should we cleanse? What is cleansing?

Hillary 3:51

Are you asking me are you? You go? Okay, cool. Sorry. I was like looking something up really like I'm, like, on this top on this subject matter is you're so prepared. I'm super prepared. But also I wanted to make sure I was like gonna say things in the right order. Because I think I think order of cleansing is incredibly important. And it's something like not everybody talks about one cleansing. So, yeah, you asked why is cleansing important? Correct? Yeah. So life gets really intense. And I think you know, life just goes and things happen and we get bogged down by things, but especially in this century that we're in. There's a lot happening and a lot, a lot of input. And when there's like too much excess input through all of our senses, we just get overloaded and our systems get like bogged down and like Gumby almost like like Mind, Body spirit kind of overwhelmed. And so, cleansing is like needed in order to reverse that. Because the clear of a channel We are the clear life becomes. And I think that's like the ultimate. The ultimate reason for cleansing is like, we want to feel clear and light and connected and vibrant and happy. Like that, I think is ultimately why people seek out cleansing is when you start feeling like heavy, lethargic, overwhelmed. That is, those are all signs, it's time to cleanse. So that's why it's important. So you can feel happy and light and vibrant. Did I answer that question? Or do you want me to go deeper into it? You answered a question Really? Well,

Stirling 5:57

I think that's perfect. I think also, for those of us that tend towards, like maybe the more manic end of the spectrum. Sometimes when I need to cleanse I sometimes I feel like I need to cleanse something about my reality or my body or myself or my mind when I'm feeling lethargic, like you said, but a lot of times, I'm actually further on the end towards the kind of overwhelm that comes with burnout or with like too much, or it's like a frazzled feeling really, like short circuiting electrically. And so cleansing is a way to, like re work the wiring. So the electricity isn't just frying me.

Hillary 6:45

Yes, totally. And I think like, that's a really important part because there is a very intricate dance between cleansing and nourishing. And I feel like a lot of us like you're definitely not alone in that like frazzled, frizzle nervy kind of situation, especially with like caffeine and hustle culture. And I think a lot of times people think that they need to cleanse their body because they're feeling that. But really nourishment is needed on the level of the body. And cleansing is needed on the level of like to do lists and mental stimulation.

Stirling 7:28

That's brilliant. That's really, really important. Because getting those two things backwards. Like I have done this before, I've gotten those two things backwards and thought, oh, what's going to help me get more centered is to focus on cleaning out my body, when actually that's not the level at which the overwhelm is happening. And I would be able to handle the mental or emotional or spiritual overlap whelm better if I had more support, physically, more grounding, more nutrients, more vitamins coming into my body to help my brain work better and actually doing something that's considered cleansing, but is depleting my stores can make it way worse.

Hillary 8:11

Right? Exactly, exactly. And like, what's been so popular, mainstream for a lot for a long time, meaning like, at least in my realm, like the last like five to 10 years has been actually like 10 years for sure has been like juice cleansing and purification and all of these different things, which there is definitely time in place for purification of the physical body. I do think it is really important to, you know, have like timeouts and time to cleanse. But I think more often than not, the people that are cleansing on that level are actually meeting like what we just talked about. And so we can talk about what that looks like.

Stirling 8:57

Yes, yes. Let's talk about what that what that looks like. And that's so interesting, because I personally attempted to do the Master Cleanse because I agreed with it philosophically or on principle, or it sounded like a great idea to me. And I didn't make it past the first couple days because I'm hypoglycemic, and I tend towards mania and I have a really fast metabolism and I'm super Vata, Vata, Pitta and I was basically on the verge of passing out which is fun for like 20 minutes and then it's not fun anymore.

Hillary 9:37

Yeah, yeah, that's so real. Yeah, I've definitely done the Master Cleanse before as well and did it in a really hilarious way which I'm we should definitely talk about these stories. But the short version is that I did the Master Cleanse. I did it for 10 days. I did like if people don't know The master cleanses it's where you make this this lemonade basically it's like water with lemon and cayenne and maple syrup. And it's really delicious It's lemonade is is really yummy. It's delicious but if you're if we are talking in like terms of IR VEDA and Sterling here is very much Vata, Pitta, which is air and fire. And if you add spicy lemonade, which is like fire fiery and also very light then over time she's just like driving her imbalance deeper and deeper. Same for me I am also I'm we have different like subtleties of our Constitution, but on a general level where both Vata Vata, Pitta, air, air and fire in space. And yes, I did that cleanse, I did it for 10 days, I ended the cleanse in the high desert, and I took acid on the last day, and rock climbed for about eight hours. Oh my god,

Stirling 11:08

how did you physically do that? Maybe you didn't, maybe you were hosting.

Hillary 11:15

No, I physically did it. I physically did it. And I felt great. So I thought, and that's the problem is like, sometimes these like very high, high chronic states or like high energy states. We feel really good in the moment. But and this is like when we're younger, it's like we have these stores and reserves of energy. And we were not educated around this. And so we're actually like severely depleting ourselves. But in the moment, you feel very high, and it feels very good. And you feel very connected to everything

Stirling 11:52

that is so real that is so real. It is literally like a high. It is like a reveal. Like for people who don't know, because they haven't experimented with mind altering substances, it is parallel to that it is basically the same, it feels like being high on a drug.

Hillary 12:07

Yeah. And then and then you add drugs to it. It's like that and it's in packs on so high, you will never want to come down. Which I very much relate to. I definitely had many years of also mind altering substances plus cleansing. So I loved the highs, never wanted to come down. But grounding all of that out is very important and not depleting those stores of energy that we have. And we misuse when we're younger because we're misinformed. So where was I going with that? Okay, so Master Cleanse doing these cleanses, because we think we need to cleanse our bodies when we're feeling overwhelmed, burnt out all these different things, when really what we need to do is take a step back out of this, like grind culture, where it's just like, if you're not producing, you're not, I don't know, worthy,

Stirling 13:12

valuable as a human contributing to society, which like actually, in nature, the only thing that does that the only thing that's constantly producing and not taking a break is cancer, or possibly some viruses, like there isn't actually anything else naturally occurring and it's balanced state that is always producing. Damn,

Hillary 13:38

that's some knowledge. Yeah, so that's really important point. I'm like kind of like but it's just guys drop it's over. Yeah, so realizing that and like also, you know, it's the full moon right now. So talking about cycles of things nature, their their natural cycles constantly of cleansing and building happens cleansing and building Like, right now the full moon just happened now the moon is waning, and then the moon will build again and it will it will be empty and then it will be full and empty. And then it'll be full. And this is like, microcosm, macrocosm, always talking about this. It's like, everything that happens on large scale also happens on a small scale. That being said, let's come back to cleansing. don't want to get too far away from that. So, I guess let's talk about how to how to properly cleanse our bodies how to properly cleanse our mental emotional selves, how to cleanse our spaces that we are in. And let's see what else what else do we want to talk about? cleanse? See,

Stirling 15:00

how do we differentiate between those three? You know, like, for me personally, I benefit so much from whichever one of those things I actually need. But I have struggled with determining which one it is. And also don't necessarily have the energy to do all three, or benefit from doing all three at the same time. So really being able to strategize like, wow, I feel something cluttered in my brain. Does that mean that I need to do some breath work and some journaling? Or do I just need to clean my room? Because it's a disaster? And I can't think because everything I own is on the floor in my peripheral vision.

Hillary 15:42

Yeah, yeah, it's a really good question. Um, it cut out a little bit in the very beginning, but I think you were saying like, does it have to? Do you need to do like breath work and cleansing of your space?

Stirling 15:54

Did you stay breathwork? Mostly just how to tell the difference? Which one do I actually need? If I have to, if I have to choose one, because I'm already so frazzled? I don't have the energy to do all the things, or maybe the resources or the time or the ability? How do I prioritize which kind of cleansing I actually need?

Hillary 16:13

Yeah, great question. So I would say first thing is like, even just listening to your language tells me a lot about what you need. And so let's talk about that. Though, like listening to the words that you're saying, like if you're telling the people around you or like your family or whatever, like, I'm really burnt out, I'm really frazzled. burnt out means you've been pushing too hard, and you've depleted your reserves. And now there's like a fire that's like burning in your system. That's like kind of burning through your reserves. So that even just that language tells me you need nourishment. Feeling frazzled means that your nerves, your nervous system is overwhelmed and like firing and like, probably from burnout and being dry. So then, that language also tells me nourishment is needed, at least like on a body systems, nervous system level. And I would say probably more often than not, most people, most I never talk at all, because some people really do need cleansing. And most people need deep nourishment. So that they can cleanse. If that makes sense. Yes, order of operations. That's super key. Yes. And then again, like always looking at what season you're in, what environment you're in, what kind of things but to simplify everything, it's like, what? Like, okay, what's going on in your body, you're very depleted, you're burnt out, we need to nourish. So this is like, sick, you can simplify and cleanse at the same time. So I would say more so than drinking green juice and like fasting and depleting your body, you actually just need to simplify and eat really nourishing wholesome meals, like on a schedule, where there's like, you're gonna have breakfast, you're gonna have lunch, you're gonna have dinner, it's going to be around the same time every day, it's going to be very simple. In IR VEDA they use like mano diets of kitri when there's overwhelmed patri is like a rice and mung bean, like, very easy to digest food, but it's giving you nourishment. And I would say like, this is a great starting place for people. Because it can get complicated and I think working with a practitioner is like very important for this. But if you want to just simplify, it's like simplify, simplify, simplify, nourish, simplify meals, and then like pulling back, like how do you cleanse your schedule and your space, and then just simplify your diet so that you're actually getting nourishment? Not depleting yourself further. Meanwhile, still pushing your schedule hardcore. I think I'm like talking to them very one long run on sentence. Totally fine. It's all making sense. Okay. Maybe you just channel without punctuation? Yeah, I think I channel without punctuation. But like, I think what I've done in the past, and what I see people do a lot is like, they're like, I need to cleanse because this is what I feel. And so they go like green juice and all the things but then they're still working their schedule just as hard. They're still trying to show up in the world just as much. And I would say first and foremost, like reducing the things that are unnecessary pull back. Clean up your schedule, clean up your spaces. Is that you reside in. And that means, like, let's talk about that for a second. Let's talk about cleansing our spaces so that our minds can relax and have space to not be so tempted to think that's but that's an important place to start. Let's start, please. Alright, that sounds nice. Yes, totally. So this is like getting really clear and honest with your schedule. And then scheduling, cleaning. Like maybe that's where you need to start. I would say, clean the spaces in your house like Marie Kondo stylee. Like do this, the art of the mat, the magic art of like tidying.

Stirling 20:48

Step one, so we're calling this step one overall cleanse plan for everybody. Step one,

Hillary 20:54

yeah, like, let's start with the spaces that we reside in. Instead of like, bullying our body into cleansing, let's like, let's clean our spaces. First. Let's air them out, let's open the windows, let's clean up clutter and piles and random things like take care of the mail that's piled up, take care of the dishes that are scattered around the house like, and if that's not your thing, like if that's not the issue, then don't worry about that. But if that is like part of your reality is clutter and messy spaces and spaces that don't actually help you to feel good spaces that feel overwhelming to you. Like, step one, let's like make ourselves let's put ourselves in a temple, like, in a temple is very pure, it's beautiful. Like, you come in and you feel a certain way. This like any sacred kind of space feels like that you enter it and it feels like wow, this is like it feels good to be in here. That's how our speed that's like how our spaces that we reside in should be, you should walk into your room and feel very excited to do the things that you do in your room. You should walk into your office and feel like this is functional space to work should walk into your kitchen and feel that your kitchen is set up for success. It has beautiful foods and spices and herbs and things that you love and that nourish you. Like temple all spaces temple.

Stirling 22:40

I love how similar that word is too simple and how you say them the same simple temple. This is all you need to know. The second episode for today is over

Hillary 22:57

totally. And like put some really awesome music on and like turn your spaces into a temple like that is what I do and then you and then you care take them as if it is so. So like, every day you do little straightening up every week you do deeper cleaning every month you do deeper cleaning, but like keeping your spaces clear and clean and high functioning so that that's not part of your overwhelm at all. That's step number one. Guy help guide me I get lost.

Stirling 23:35

That's perfect. That's perfect. Okay, so we've cleared away the clutter and the piles. And we have a really good clean slate for physical space. So now how do we cleanse the physical space on a more authentic level? cleanse the physical space on a more thematic levels, like with burning certain incenses frankincense, myrrh, smudging with Sage or mug or something like that, because you've already got the high vibe music playing so you're taking care of like the sonic atmosphere, which is obviously really important.

Hillary 24:07

Yeah, totally. Yeah, so things that other things that help like cleanse the space and make it feel good. Yes, scent has been used like throughout the ages, like dating so far back into time. The use of herbs and resins and flowers and things like that to make a space smell beautiful. Anytime we're talking about cleansing, we're talking about every sense that you have sight hearing smells, touch feel all all the different senses you want to engage those when you cleanse so yeah, visually you want it to to be pleasing in a scent way. It's amazing. When things smell good, it feels like it feels beautiful when it smells good. So like Sterling said using those kind of like ancient ancient smells that have been used for all of time. For consensus for different things I'm using and I say this what I say this not lightly using if you're going to use essential oils very important to use very high quality not synthetic, getting them from good. Like well research to brands that are organic and not cutting their essential oils with different things but so if you have those then using a diffuser. Other things that are really helpful are like using salt lamps and beautiful lighting in your spaces. Yeah, burn like burning Sage are different resins or if you are going to use incense, same thing like the incense market, it can be very toxic. So finding like very pure, high quality made with natural ingredients. Very important, I'd say because there's this is like a whole nother podcast episode that we could talk about about the sense that people use in their house people using like February's and Glade plugins and things like that. It's like those are filled with just crap and affect us on a hormonal level. There's like xeno estrogens in there, which, like confuse our bodies and think that it's estrogen but it's not and then give us like all these kind of hormonal imbalances. So

Stirling 26:29

yeah, not to mention like carcinogenic components that you're then inhaling, which is the quickest way breeding something in especially through your nose that's just in the air, even if you can't see it, even if you can't smell it when you're inhaling it, and you take it up, think about that from your nose, it goes up to your brain. And that is the quickest way to allow something to cross your blood brain barrier and affect your neuro chemistry by inhaling it. That's why people who want to get really really high on crazy drugs, snort them, and that is you are snorting that for breeze you are snorting that Glade scented plugin, you are snorting that Pine Sol, and you don't know what's in it. And if it's being used to decimate sense and stains, it's probably doing something of a similar level of decimation to your brain tissue.

You are listening to witchy wellness weekly. Our y is empowering the wild woman. For those of you who want more in depth guidance on herbs, wellness rituals, astrological forecasts and magical creations. We've created a newsletter subscribe@bit.li slash witchy. wellness weekly. Our how to cleanse without killing yourself book and workbook bundle is on pre sale now. You can buy our books directly from we the authors at WWW dot pay hiit.com slash wild folk, or from other online retailers if you must.

Hillary 28:44

So we're cleansing that we're doing that we're not taking in the crazy sense like if you're still using those, I would say number one, get all of those chemicals out of your house five minutes ago like first cleanses out of your house and your space. Very important then you want to bring in the like natural resins and incenses or things like that. Emily and salt lamps are really awesome. Pure beeswax candles are really great. Like beautifying your space, simplifying your space, getting out the things that are going to that are hormone disruptors, first of all, and second of all, just not not good for you on many, many levels. If you can't

Stirling 29:41

drink it, like don't keep it in your house, don't use it. You can get as much effect cleaning with vinegar or lemon juice mixed with water and diluted because they are so strong or hydrogen peroxide. All of these things are arguably more effective in actually killing germs and cleansing surfaces and like getting rid of stains and smells than any of these strange chemical things that you're buying from an aisle in the grocery store that smells like hell itself.

Hillary 30:15

Yes, totally. And then that might take time for your like, if you are, if you are in that world of things, it might take a little time for your senses, to readjust to the, to the subtleties of natural of natural things, but your body is very wise and will will adjust pretty quickly. So that is like first and foremost space. And then the things that you're using in your space is very important. I would say opening windows every single day, no matter what the environment is, fresh air is like, number one, to get fresh air into your space. Very, very important. Just airing things out. It's like It's like prana, like, life force, life, energy, whatever you want to call it, you need, you need new, fresh air in your house everyday. Alright, so that's sent your space, then I think next would be once your spaces are clear. And this is for the people that are like frazzled nerves burnt out, then I would say, time for a mental emotional clearing. And we've talked a little bit about this on this podcast before but journaling, and, and or therapy. Therapy is great, definitely journaling, like learning how to get what is circulating in your head out, like like airing out your brain basically, in the same way that we air out our space, we want to air out our brain, getting like the looping thoughts, the fears, the anxieties, the worries the that, like all of that, you want to get that out onto paper. And there's there's many, many books that talk about this, you can follow the artists way and do it that way. There's a book called like writing through the darkness if you're feeling like depressed, like, there's all kinds of resources out there that can help guide you with, with journaling. Plus, we're actually going to be coming out with journals and prompts and things like that, which will be on Yes, learning to have conversations with yourself and your journal that is going to help free up space and energy in your mind. And that alone is very cleansing to your emotions and your mental state. So creating space there, that space, then creating space in your mind, then we can bring it down, down into your body. So once those things are clear and cleansed, then it's time to address your body. And that again is like do you need nourishment? Or do you need to actually purify because you've taken in a lot of things, a lot of things that are like bogging down your system. If you eat a lot of processed food, a lot of food, like from restaurants and things if you're eating fast food if Yeah, if you're if you're on the realm of fast food, that definitely there is a purification that needs to happen with your body. And that I like to tell people like it's not about what you do in one week. It's like what you do every single day, little by little long term. And it's really about making lifestyle changes and making different choices with your health and your wellness. So that you're on the track to longevity, and not just quick fixes all the time. Super, super important. So I guess let's talk about the spectrum. If if you're on the spectrum and you're over here on one side, being like fast food eating out all the time, kind of thing you want to your next step is going towards like eating foods that actually are closer in their source to what they grew as from the earth. So that's like changing to whole foods diet, not Whole Foods, the store that can be confusing but like Whole Foods as in like fruits and vegetables and whole grains, meats, things like that,

Stirling 35:02

go ahead and strike a really great intermediary step, if that sounds overwhelming, or if you don't really even understand what that means, which is fine. Just focusing on making sure that everything you eat, you know what it actually is. So what actually went into that like, even if you go to a nice restaurant, and you get the eggplant parmesan, and that sounds very healthy. And it's the vegetarian option, and it costs you $30. And, I mean, maybe restaurants aren't open where you are right now. But let's imagine they were I don't know what kind of oil the chef cooked that in. And that one thing that one step in the process, and that one ingredient makes a really big difference as to how your body is able to process the food and what happens inside of your internal systems during that digestion and afterwards. So this will also help you save money, which might help with the mental cleansing, and the wallet cleansing. But if you need to figure out how to make your own food so that you understand everything that's in it, that's a really essential component to this. Because not all hamburgers are created equal. Not all cookies are created equal, some cookies actually have a really great nutrition. You know, the the salts that go into a food, the oils that go into a food, these are not, they're not all the same thing, they're actually very different. The way that your body processes them and how you feel afterwards. And what you're able to do with those building blocks is very different. And it's important to open up your awareness to that even if you're not in a situation where you feel like you can control that. Just understanding what it is that you're actually putting into your body at an ingredient level will absolutely transform your relationship with food and your relationship with your body. Totally,

Hillary 37:03

yes, 100%. And like we talked about as, like the spaces that you reside in, turning them into temples, like, as cliche as it is like your body is a temple Are you going to bring? Do I hesitate to say dirty? But like, are you going to bring crap into the temple? And just like, dilute the magic of it? Or are you going to bring like pure, beautiful, healthy things into your body, your temple, and in turn, that creates energy that creates joy that creates vibrancy that creates excitement for life, because there is a health that's happening on every level. And that's the goal. That's like what you want. I don't think anybody wants to feel shitty. Like, if you want to feel shitty, like I'm like, let's talk, let's understand what is what, like, I just want to understand you let's have a conversation.

I'm interested.

Um, but yeah, like, getting back to nature, we are of the earth we are very much we are made of what the earth is made of. And, and this is like you get go in scientific directions with this all day long. It's true. Like, we're not separate from nature, we're very much of the earth. And so if we give ourselves things that are of the earth, we're going to do much better because we are in harmony with our environment. And what we are here to be do see experience, etc. Absolutely,

Stirling 38:51

even on a super fundamentally basic level of the fact that it takes your body, energy and time to process what you put into it. And the further from its natural occurrence in nature in the real life real world that food item is the further it's been processed, the further it's been blended with other things, the further it's been genetically modified, the more energy and time it will take your body to process it. And that is energy and time that you will never ever ever get back. So just eating simpler on that super fundamental level will give you more time and more energy, more mental clarity, more physical well being.

Hillary 39:35

Exactly. So let's go from like that spectrum to the other spectrum. And I guess the interim is like getting getting things out of your diet that are like highly processed, highly modified, genetically modified, highly sprayed with klei phosphate like what roundup Like when they're growing. So those are things like corn, peanuts, soy, like all these crops are rotated, and the soil is super depleted, and there's not like minerals and vitamins in them anymore. And it's that's just causing so many problems it's causing. Everyone has leaky gut now because of it, because it's perforated your intestines and things are leaking out into your bloodstream. And so removing all of those things on the spectrum. Okay, so now you've gotten like, from fast food to getting the things out of your diet that are wreaking havoc, Oh, go ahead. Well, I

Stirling 40:46

just wanted, you touched on something there. And you know it so well, that you just brought it up like it's common knowledge, but I think it's actually really important to reiterate, okay. When we learn about nutrition, however, we learn it wherever we learn it as little kids, when you see that food pyramid on the back of the milk carton at your school lunch, or however you conceptualize what kind of food has what kind of nutrients. What is really important to understand is that that is not always the case, not all apples have the same nutrients as other apples. Not all kale has the same nutrient as other kale. Not all Iceberg lettuce has the same nutrients as all other Iceberg lettuce, it depends on where it was grown and how it was grown. Because these things that grow out of the ground, or even animals, if you eat meat, these animals that eat the things that grow out of the ground that you then eat or whatever products they produce. It can only have as much vitamins, minerals, and other necessary nutrients that are actually the building blocks to your body like amino acids, if where it comes from in the dirt has those things in it, that the vegetable or grass or whatever can pull out of the dirt into itself. So like Hillary said, if the same place has been rotational crop mono agriculture farmed to f**k for a year upon year upon year, season, upon season upon season, and driven over with heavy tractors that compact the dirt that destroy the micro organism, environment that creates these nutrients in the first place, that corn doesn't actually have the vitamins that you have been led to believe it has in it, like it's not there in the dirt, it's not like the corn can make it itself, the core needs to pull those things from the sun from the earth from the water. And if those things are not there, if if the natural environment has been depleted in the way that our bodies have been depleted by only taking in food that has no nutrients, the food growing, there's gonna have no nutrients and you're gonna eat it, you're gonna get no nutrients, then it doesn't matter how many f*****g vegetables you're eating, because the vegetables don't actually have the constituents, like the pieces that you need to be able to absorb, to be able to be new to nourish, not the word nourish. Yeah. So that is super, super essential point. And that's another reason why like, it's really not just a political conversation, when we talk about genetically modified crops, or organic versus inorganic or the pesticides that are used, it's it's not just a scientific conversation. And it's not just a political conversation, it's not just an economic conversation, it's about the fundamental reality that is being altered. And the fact that we can no longer assume that these foods that theoretically humans have been eating for 1000s of years, are going to continue to create the same effect in human bodies that they used to because they are not actually the same plants anymore. They're not actually made of the same things. And they are not actually being grown in a way that produces the same results. So that is why for you, even at the most selfish basic level, you need to be aware of what you're actually consuming. So So yeah, you ordered that eggplant parmesan from the restaurant, but you didn't know that it was being cooked in canola oil, which is like one of the number one genetically modified crops and really, really hard for your body to process, it actually becomes carcinogenic inside of you. And you also didn't know that it was a genetically modified eggplant and that it's not even an eggplant anymore. It doesn't have your, your body doesn't have the receptors to plug into what you're actually consuming. The only way you would know that is if you made it at home with an egg plant that you got from a local farmer who could tell you that he rotates crops like hemp that rebuild the soil and that the water source is there on his land and it's not a municipal water supply. Like these things are way more than just like philosophical ideas or principles if you if you actually want to take into your Body the nourishment that it requires for you to operate at a peak, like optimal level or even a basic, fundamental, foundational human level, you have to be way more cognizant of what you're actually putting in your body 100% Mic drop. On that note, actually, it's a really good time to mention. We're at this point like Hillary has guided us to where now we are being more selective about what we're putting into our body, we're making those really simple decisions, like maybe no more fast food,

maybe I'm going to choose the organic thing. Maybe I'm going to not worry about crash dieting myself, because I'm feeling emotional turmoil. And I think if I lose five pounds, I'll feel less emotional turmoil when in reality, I probably need to take in more things to support me in processing my emotions, which exists elsewhere in my reality. The I think ultimate number one best next step. And maybe first step for everyone in terms of physical body cleansing, is to drink more water. There is some absurd amount every time I look at the statistic, it's slightly different, but it's always more than three quarters of the population is chronically dehydrated, and every single tissue in your body, every single neuron, every single synapses, everything about what is inside of you that makes you alive and work requires water to function and to operate like we are water beings, we live on a water planet, the planet is mostly water, our bodies are mostly water, we need to be taking in water constantly. I mean, when we express emotion, we cry, water comes out. When we work out, we sweat, water comes out when we are flushing our organs. And our bodily systems have all of these horrible pesticides that are in the environment, water comes out. So all these ways water's coming out, you have to put water back in. And this is probably even more important than understanding that not all vegetables are created equal. And not all food supplies can be trusted. Not all water supplies can be trusted. And this is not again, this is not a tinfoil hat conspiracy. This is all facts, you can look it up there are scientific studies, we will link them in the description below. This is documented fact it is real for everyone on the whole planet. And in fact, even before humans develop civilization in which we made water move the way we wanted it to just naturally occurring water sources on the planet vary in terms of their level levels of chemicals, and minerals, and what is in them. And there are naturally occurring water sources that are carcinogenic or poisonous to humans. And there are naturally occurring water sources that are extremely nutrient dense and nourishing to humans. And there are naturally occurring water sources that will get you high. Anyone who's aware of lithium or lithia, it's it's an actual salt, the thing that's prescribed so often for depression, or bipolar disorder, it's a naturally occurring salt, as many. All medications are based on things that occur naturally as a whole other conversation too. But there are springs all over the world where you can drink water from the ground that has a high concentration of lithium in it and get a similar effect as if you were taking those pharmaceutical drugs that are trying to pretend that they're as good as the naturally occurring thing. So again, this is not a tinfoil hat. But now we're going to shift the conversation to municipal water supplies. So that means the water that comes out of your sink when you turn it on, if you are so blessed as to live somewhere where you can turn on the sink in your house and have water come out because FYI, everybody, that is not the case, in the whole world. We call ourselves civilized, but there are millions upon millions, possibly billions of people who do not have access to clean drinking water. Surprisingly, a lot of those people are actually in quote unquote civilized first world countries like in LA when I lived in LA, I did not drink the tap water because you can. You can buy tests at a straight up simple store like Walmart or online on Amazon and test your tap water and see what's in it. And it is not things you want to be putting in your body. Ladies and gentlemen, you need to be really conscious of what is in the water that you're drinking, when you start drinking more water to make your body work better. And I'm not saying you should go out and buy bottled water because if it's in a plastic bottle, it's probably got plastic in it and you're drinking that and that's not good for you. And it might just be tap water from someone else's sink that they put in a bottle y'all like it just this one step if you just consider that you need to have more water in your body and that it needs to be healthy, real living water and that not all water is the same. Your whole your whole world will change Your brain will actually physically literally function better. Because your brain needs water to make the electricity go through it, which is how you have thoughts. On electrical field, it's an electrical field, it's in your brain, it moves on water, you have to have that. Or you your brain will stop working. Yes. So, yes, 100% Yeah, I feel like we're gonna have to do many podcasts around the different levels of this. And I think this is like the number one where we're kind of covering like, the vast amount of things that we're going to go deeper into in like, subsections of podcasts. Because just having this conversation, it's like, this is a very, very, very layered topic. And everyone is coming from a different level of understanding or like, where they're at or what they're consuming. So yeah, I think water, like is one of the most important, even just taking that back farther. It's like your breath, breathing. Like breathing deeply. That's really important. Water is so important. Rest is so important. And exercise is so important. Like those are foundational, you need to get those down. If you're interested in feeling healthy if you want to feel good, like bring it down to most fundamental, most basics and work from the ground up. Breath. Without your breath. You're dead. That's the that's the number one thing if you don't have that, your I didn't I didn't hear what you're saying. Because you're muted. You're dead real fast. Yeah, you're dead real fast. Like you have you have some minutes. You have some minutes. And then without a lucky Yeah, yeah. So breath. Number one. Breathing Well, not being a mouth breather, like learning to, like, breathe from your nose, like seriously, like your nose filters your nose like that is what creates like healthy breath is breathing through your nose, coming deep understanding of breath, let's do a whole podcast on breath. I'm gonna write that down. So that that's going to come out later.

It's also a really, really great step in terms of the mental and emotional cleansing that we were talking about before. Like, in those moments, when I get too caught up in my thoughts when I'm feeling super manic. Or when I get really frustrated, especially if something physically isn't working. If I'm like trying to force something or move something or unlatched something almost every single time I tune in, and I realize I'm holding my breath. I am not actually breathing. And as soon as I take a breath or let the air out.

Hillary 52:52

It all just blows away. Yep. So important. I mean, even yoga practices are like, we do these yoga, like postures and people people think it's really about like getting into these like crazy postures and stretching, being really flexible. But the like, number one key of yoga is linking your breath to the movement. So anyways, like on a fundamental level breath,

Stirling 53:21

dude, that's the number one key to being a good dancer also, and to being a powerful and effective athlete. And to get way more specific, in my personal experience. For anyone that doesn't know, I used to be a professional Acrobat. And when I was learning how to do the aerial silks, I was very strong, very coordinated, I should have been able to do these moves very simply once I got the technique down, but no matter what, for six weeks of solid training every day, every time I came back up right from an inversion from being upside down, every time it came back up, right, I saw stars, and was on the verge of passing out which you really shouldn't do when you're hanging upside down 30 feet above the ground and only holding yourself on to a thing. And it took me six weeks, it took me six weeks of training every day and having that issue to realize I was automatically holding my breath every time I went backwards or upside down, for whatever reason. And it turns out I've been doing that for a really long time. Like even when I was younger as a gymnast and doing other athletic things. Anytime I went backwards, I would hold my breath and close my eyes. So I couldn't actually do particular moves ever throughout my training because of this automatic thing that was happening that I wasn't even conscious or aware of. So I exponentially up leveled my game when I became conscious of the fact that I was holding my breath when I went upside down, which was something I was doing automatically out of fear or connection or whatever.

Hillary 54:51

Yep, fear response for sure. Like that's what we do when when things get intense. We clench we hold so yeah So definitely breath, water, rest, movement, all essential to health. And then we get into the specifics of organic, local, from your local farmer, not on mass scale farming, not with all the hormones, not with all the GMOs like purifying space, like quality of things that you're putting inside your body. This is very, very layered. And then, and then we can talk about cleansing our bodies and like our organ systems and our lungs and getting the mucus out of our bodies and like having a well functioning liver that is not bogged down and going into like, ketosis or whatever, like all the different things that we can go into. Yeah, my brain just kind of split. There's so many things to talk about, like, sometimes when I get excited about conversations, my brain will split into 17 different directions. It'd be like, there's so many things to talk about your s**t out of I produce this. I feel that way. Oh, yeah. So I really think this is like, this is the episode that is the umbrella to many, many episodes that will come next into the details of what we're talking about, and how to purify like, how to purify phosphate out of your system, which there are definitely ways to get that out of your digestive tract. And then, and then feeding yourself with the different things but like to reiterate what we've talked about, first and foremost is simplification, purification of your surroundings and purification of the quality of things that you are consuming. If nothing else doing that. And that includes people. PayPal, yes, that is definitely going to be another episode. Having like, the amount of magic that having people in your life who are loving, supportive, healthy, kind, understanding who listen, who can reflect who can connect with you. That alone is one of the most healing things. If you have toxic people who are manipulative, talking s**t, trying to get you to do things that you don't want to do like, like who trigger addictive behavior or anything like that narcissistic people. Controlling people that bring you down people that make you feel insecure. Oh, yeah. Then a purification of your inner circle needs to happen.

Stirling 57:53

Or even just people that alter your B behavior. Like if you decide you don't want to drink alcohol anymore, it's probably going to be hard to hang out with your home girl who always wants to turn up. Yeah. Real, super real. Yeah. And another really important component that will go deeper into in terms of all the levels of cleansing and especially like the mental and emotional, frazzled mind thing is also the media that you're consuming. Like the things that you're looking at and reading and listening to, that you are taking into your reality and allowing to alter the way that you're feeling and thinking. That is a super important component. And digital detox and social media cleanse is so powerful, because maybe you're not going to feel like you need to drink only celery juice for 15 days in a row if you just stop following Kylie Jenner on Instagram. I mean, like, is the celery even organic? Come on you guys.

Hillary 59:12

Yeah, it's so real. Yes, there's so much so much happening but it's very hard to keep up with all the trends. So getting the trending the trending things out. A simplification wish it wasn't so complex, but it's kind of the irony of being on a polarity planet is like to simplify can be very complex and to to get rid of the complexity can be very simple. Just like just shut it down for a little bit. Um, so yeah, levels, so many levels of of things. I want to like summarize all of this, okay, do it. Alright, on speaking on levels, we're going to reiterate, cleansing of this space, putting your body inside of Temple spaces, then cleansing your mind creating a temple in your mind of purification through letting out what is circulating that so space, then mind, then body, body, so many levels, see, we meet you in the spectrum that you're in, if you're on one side of the spectrum, you go to the next level, you don't try to change everything at once. We're in it for the long haul. And if you commit to making tiny, tiny changes every single day, it's like, in increments, you will start to feel better. And then that will inspire you to take the next action to feel even better. And so on and so forth. Until you're a glowing, radiant being from the inside out and the outside and, and that is the goal. So no shame. no judgement, you are where you are you take the next step to a better version, and onward and upward forever. And ever.

Stirling 1:01:15

I like that trajectory, it makes perfect sense. The alternative is a crash diet, and it is called a crash for a reason. Okay, just like look at what it's called. And then make your choice. Yeah,

Hillary 1:01:28

yeah, you don't like being on the Yo, yo, we'll have like the ups and downs and all arounds constantly is exhausting. And it's very uninspiring and it's not fun, it's not nourishing, you don't actually feel good, you might feel bad for a second, then you crash harder than you gain more weight back. It's like the fucked path. Get off the roller coaster, get off the like wheel of suffering, and learn to sync with harmonious things for yourself with the planet with natural rhythms. First and foremost, then we'll go deeper into cleansing of the organ. And things like that.

Stirling 1:02:10

Because there are ways to do that. And not really important. Make them shut down. Yeah. And there are ways to do that. That makes them shut down. Don't shut down. Shut your organs down. It's a bad idea.

Hillary 1:02:21

Yeah, exactly. Yeah, knowledge is power, like wisdom is power. It's very true, like, continuing to learn, continuing to understand and not and like taking in the understanding, like large scale perspective is really important. Instead of these, like, trending, Kylie Jenner thinks.


What do you think like, should we go into subtleties? Or should this be like

Stirling 1:02:52

the, I think that's a really solid, I mean, so we do also have particular practices in the next episode that we'll be sharing with you guys. And these also, we have recipes and exercises and rituals and guidance. And these will be available in our witchy wellness subscription will go into a lot more detail. There's some really, really wonderful ways to take each of these processes step by step, but this is the foundation because it's really important to understand why you want to cleanse and what you are cleansing before you get all caught up in the how.

Hillary 1:03:37

Yeah. 100% nourishing or cleansing, nourishing or cleansing. Yeah, cool. Well, to be continued to dive deeper and deeper into the different realms. And yeah, we'll come back with with ways to do it. Thanks for tuning in.

Stirling 1:04:16

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